Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How To Masterbate In The Shower.?

sad loneliness

really hang with this because I'm too little time ...

but I am so sad that neceistaba tell ... and here I am ...

is that Sunday night was my prom night ... it was my most anticipated, most talked-about, most sought-after ... more everything ... and it seems to take on more ... aunq in relaidad am was not sure why, because I take little, that I care ... the problem was ana fucking damn !!... had an empty stomach and I fell very bad alcohol ... and I swear I try to eat because I knew it would take ... but I could not xq puddle was not hungry, would not I do not understand !!!..
is we got to the bowling and super fart, I was super happy, re happy, I fell, I cotrna the flat I did shit and I imrptoaba anything ... the problem was that they let me and sent me bowling to the nursing ... there began all wrong ... I did expect that I would not let me go ... they got up and asked me to go to the bathroom ... obvious apra bring my fingers ... they get my Sister and realizes all bone !!!!!!!... not suspected as mine ...
is the short ... it seems that I decided I depsues Return to the nursing xq was my best friend from school ... and there did not leave my Sister ams Hatsa sign that I brought home ... when I leave the nursing I meet my best friend (mel) and the guy I am ... and do not understand anything, all this is because I Cotner ani ... ose aucerdo me ...
qa good thing is the 4 was lying in my bed sleeping ... therefore NOT ENTER THE BOWLING, I lost ALL MY PARTY EXPECTED SO NOW I CAN NOT STOP TO MOURN ... I REPENT OF ALL ... no But it made me see how much I want those around me ... my sister osea re juice for me and I love my best friend ... I re bank and came to sleep in my house with me ... and wen tmb my boy ... the evrdad that 3 is re ported and I am more than happy for that .. but x the other hand I am very sad x the party, lost and never more I'll have an opportunity like this ... and it's like to stay a step that is closing ... open.

sorry if all this boring ... escirbi unable to stop mourn ... PD

to muchoq ue cut had not thought of ... and when I woke up I thought ... I thought a ton because it neceistaba punish inamdura idiot and I'm ... not conc word limit when the only thing I do encotraba in life is the limit ...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Maryland Gay Meeting Spots


Soledad ...
the feeling that for a long time, thankfully ... not dwell in me enough time left
to be my shadow ..
left my mind ..
and pulled away from my body ..
but today, now,
not understand why,
appeared ..
appeared as a visitor ..
went to greet me, and I know not to stay ..
know I have friends ...
VERY good ..
know I have family ...
THE best ..
is all that ..
and that gives me even more anger .. We understand not know
I can not understand what kind of loneliness fills me every night ..
why my tears are always so empty ..
the truth I do not understand ...

well, that I feel now ... not that cool. Recently I saw a movie that I recommend is called Bad Habits and the main and central issue is the food ....

kisses to all and sorry for disappearing and thanks for following the same ..