Monday, October 26, 2009

How To Set 3 Digit Lock In Vip Suitcase

Villablog, Concerning the blogosphere is dead Aguilé

Villablog came and went just as he left. But Now we have the taste of everything that happened in one day. So much interesting, fun, Wow, that heat! ... Over a hundred people together to make common cause in the world of blogs, the first experience of this kind is not to falter in any way, and I think that was clear even before the event took place.
My personal experience? As the first is the same as going on a trip with family or friends and bring the video camera, is that not see anything, haha \u200b\u200b... Man, nothing nothing no. What happens is that when you're the moderator of the event you have to give way to all the speakers and stuff and it turns out that the speakers do not sit with you and the display screen catch you from behind, because the truth you see little, we all (thankfully laptops where the talks were projected itself was caught in front of me and I did not miss at all). As an organizer within a homogeneous group as I am that do not fit in the shoes, all post comments and attendees are hanging on their personal blogs are wonderful and I am thrilled because this really is the genuine appreciation, not telling you there "that it has been" and then if you've seen I do not remember. We are overwhelmed with such sweetness that now is when we really what we discussed in some meetings "to see if we are to give so much that next year will not overcome the bar tax, "but no, it has become clear that the event Villablog going to have a continuity, a life which promises a long and fruitful and said to me personally as an authority who attended the event" you have Rociana located on the map, but not only in physical but in all aspects, "you tell someone like that in your people and knowing that what you said from the shock of seeing so many people bound together in one project, that there are no words to define it.
My conclusion, though it may be subjective to be an organizer, is that happiness and satisfaction will not let me see beyond the happiness I feel to belong to this group of people that we undertook to prepare such an event size, and so little time. In closing let me say that everything that I've read so far (emotion after emotion) would like to review a sentence issued by that person so exquisite in manners and ideas so clearly (and was the first to arrive) is Mari Mar in his blog: "From here I want to thank you for having been able to convey all the excitement and positive energy ... that is what I have brought Rociana, in a world as cold as the Internet did you know you will give warmth" . Since you say that the heart does not fit you in the chest. Thank you all for wanting to become part of the family we've created. Greetings from Tauri until next year Villablog.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What Is Medallion Qualification Mile

Luis Mercedes Sosa

More than an opinion blog is to me more like an obituary page of any newspaper, but the truth is that this week we black that we have gone two of the great Latin artists. The case of Luis Aguilé nearest us is because since the early 60 lived in Spain and has not rested until the end of his days he was working on assembling a zarzuela in Madrid, where he has died at age 73 a cancer that has been corroding the inside until it without the life they fought so hard and made us enjoy.

I remember from childhood he had seen "the gentleman with a huge tie" singing When I left Cuba or the Work is a can even if there is good in its heyday is cachondísima Juanita Banana. It has been a symbol in the Latin American (Who does not remember his appearances on the legendary 300 million ?) And Spain are countless television appearances in which he has proved his worth on the stage always in a suit, sometimes striking , and its unmistakable ties big as himself. Looking back not much we realize that in the last five years more or less have been so many artists like almost fifteen. We seem, by age, in a time of completion of many lives that have been key between fifty and eighty mostly. To me the age I have known no longer have the time of the famous two television networks, but also see them in black and white (in my house went the color with the 82 World Cup held in Spain), I have known programs mythical first person in front of a glass of milk and a sandwich and I fell asleep watching the late night Christmas special which could not miss Luis Aguilar. Serve these lines to make my personal tribute to a person who, as it happened with Mercedes Sosa has been part of my life through his music and lyrics. Rest in peace.

addition would make clear that if the vast majority of their music is nice Luis Aguilé there was also a solidarity with the oppressed and critical of the institutions, which is why a blog like this could not pass up the opportunity to present the man and artist committed to putting this video of a song that has for years banned in some Latin American countries for their content. Content that makes us all think and clearly reflects all that comes with being elected as a representative of a people. Greetings from Tauri and reflect on the text ...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Can I Percing My Gf Nipple

Thanks, Thanks to life. Daughters of Zapatero

Nothing to say, nothing to write. Just to thank life for giving me the opportunity to have agreed a part of my life with a part of yours and so have learned first-hand history and world music. More and less.

Thanks to life which has given me so
gave me two eyes that when opened
perfectly distinguish black from white
And in the sky above, her starry backdrop
And in the multitudes the man I love
Thanks to life
me so much has given me
heard in all its breadth
/ night and day crickets and canaries
Martyrs, turbines, barks and squalls
And the tender voice of my beloved
life has given me so
given me sound and the alphabet
With him, words
think and speak Mother, friend, brother
And the light illuminating the path of the soul of my loved
Thanks to life which has given me so
given me walk with my tired feet
With them I have traversed cities and puddles
Beaches and deserts, mountains and plains
And your house, your street and your patio
Thanks to life which has given me so
gave me my heart that flutters in its
When I see the fruit of the human brain
When I see the good so far the bad
When I see the bottom of your beautiful eyes
Thanks to life which has given me so
has given me laughter and tears have given me
So I distinguish happiness and pain
The two materials you are my song
And your song is the same song
And the song of all is my own song
Thanks to life, thanks to life