Monday, January 25, 2010

Sidekick Sim Card Hacks


"Commit" This has been our main problem, really commit to stop short-term comer.Somos wonderful, full of determination, but when he begins to enter the "routine", we lose interés.Para most people, a diet is temporary one and then it starts deja.Nosotras are not equal to the other people, you should not let the routine will make you fail, you always think that this day is as the first , always keep in mind your goal and how important it is for you not to be gorda.Debes commit to not eating, would you do? Do you want to look like a model? COMMITMENT
as not to fall into the temptation of the ice cream did not want to regret later and mourn? do not eat it because YOU CAN PRINCESSES

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Difference Carl Zeiss


When people offer you a little more of that rich, oily stew, when you see in the window that tempting chocolate cake, it's time for NO.Porque say you're going to continue and you will continue until you reach your goal.
Do not become a prisoner or a slave to food.
Only you can change the food and telling yourself that "NO". You're not going to go on, within you are all the tools and training to change your own way and not be one more. (not being a fat more), (not a fracasda more)
Because you have decided to take charge of your own destination.
The limits do not have a finish line in your mind. You yourself are the one you put in order. SAY NO
more, because from today you will begin to put aside all your "negative accessories" such as "final limits."
Learn to say NO, to anything that gets in your way and no signs of being positive ..
not believe that the time factor is static.
The clock only taught to walk to the right and have never been allowed a second step backward, so the clock back only can walk adelante.No
to waste your minutes on unnecessary things, in things without value, negative thoughts lead you to make counter-productive actions (eating)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Are These White Bumps In My Mouth


When I was a goal or a difficult challenge, he would say, "I can not do it!". but now all you need to start acting is sometimes good voluntad.Algunas goodwill come easy, but there are times when my mind shuts down in an attitude and I feel a burden desafiante.Entonces miedo a fracasar.
¿Cuál es la fórmula de la buena voluntad?.Tener fe y confiar en que se ira mi ansiedad y lograre mi objetivo.
Cuando ocurre el milagro,veo evaporarse mi miedo,veo un problema resuelto.Veo mis metas realizarse.Dios hace por mi lo que no puedo hacer por mi misma.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What Is Full Board All Inclusive

"fear of criticism ?...¡ Forget it!

Tienes que creer en ti.antes que en lo que te diga alguien mas
¿Habrá algo a lo que temas más que a la crítica?,La crítica lo único que consigue es tu resentimiento hacia la persona que te criticó ¿Verdad que sí?.
Una persona puede estar tan convencida de su punto de vista que intenta convencerte a ti ¿el resultado? If you do not believe in your ideas, otro.pero just accepting the fact there is nothing in the world is an interpretation view.The very personal.La people chained to their failures, accepting them as verdades.Y in his bitterness he feels resentment and projects his defeats over you who want to succeed, your friends and family members often express their complexes, fears and negative way of looking at life through his criticism ti.En anything that you are different from them, will tell you what opinan.Me wonder how complex they have because someone did a review that destroyed your criticism is infame.Destruye confianza.La your confidence and it makes you lose your peace tímido.Te speaking, do you avoid confrontations with people who stupidly and without reason critican.Hacen you not express your views with conviction, whether you're right or not. Destroy your ambition and your desire to triunfar.Y that criticism, do you fear?. Interestingly, the people who most critical is having an inferiority complex, and paradoxically, what else is annoying when you critica.Es less courage and guts posee.Y is the least you should check this truth escuchar.Puedes analyzing your circle of amistades.Asi assuming your ideas and believe in yourself first before the other . Why you share your dreams connoisseurs of the impossible? Why believe what you say you have never tried anything and not you?. If your interior dictates you do something you have to do it! The price of obeying others before yourself is despojarte the beautiful feeling of living your life as you choose vivir.Con of your failures, failures and challenges, it is better to live your life as your heart you agree dicte.No the rules it will correct your camino.Así sociales.Tu that ... Not to be afraid of criticism! To believe in yourself in spite of everything!
And finally: If you chose as a lifestyle to be ANA as I was by their own desicion, if someone criticizes you, just ignore it!, We do not care what people think, is our vida.Nosotras will be perfect (you who criticize me, no you are nothing)