Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Masterbation In Swimming Pool


Hello princess I send this post that I liked a lot when I read where they come to see us more tricks THIN, I hope they serve. Using monochromatic colors
-Stay outside the range of patterns and different colors is a good idea not to call attention to the area you want disimular.Por So try not to use more than two colors at once.
Do not wear loose clothing, loose clothing does not hide imperfections, but on the contrary, the highlights. It is best to wear the right size that fit you well, but you is not too tight. Use accessories-
distracting accessories of imperfecciones.Así to use eye-catching bracelets or necklaces, or a brooch, hiding the imperfection you want to hide. Use
Choose low-waist pants that have "weight", ie those with low waist and smooth with the front and no pliegue.Una lower waist helps to lengthen the legs. Wear long pants, no cut on the ankle but in the foot. Use low-
belts belt use can help you stylize the silhouette and longer legs. Use them on your hips.
can use either cigarette pants and bell-You can use this type of pants that always accompany the top with a long jacket.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Trane Xv90 Humidifier Contacts

Hi princesses first of all I thank you all for reading, I hope that very soon reach their goals you can!, Had booked the ticket for a special day, but decided to make it today because I I feel a little sad and discouraged, not I like to talk much about my feelings ... in fact I never do but now "I guess it's depression" and the desire to express jajaja, in order to better vent with you, I leave one of my best entries, these phrases have made me never give up despite fall have always made me get up and fight to reach my goal, I hope you like me well you serve them, through April 13 start to dance and exercise a lot, always I did but this time I will rest a single day, also change my diet and I'll see June 18 as he has gone, thanks for comment and follow me, I'm always on the lookout for all of you, right now I feel better, try to write I soon.

-Say "no thanks" to food is a "yes please" to thin.
-eat less, weigh less.
-Losing weight is good, bad fat.
-not satisfy the desire to eat a while, better still satisfy the desire to reach your goal. "I'd rather feel
fills the soul and not the stomach.
"I can not binge eating anything, worsened my situation. ¨
" Remember as you should feel after a binge.
"If I'm not thin I'm not attractive.
"I have to walk kilometers and promises to keep before going to sleep.
-fat can not lie, the truth is written on their legs.
"No dreamer is small and no dream is too large.
-Every kilo you lose is a dream come true.
"Never regret yesterday because you can not change, just make sure again not today be tomorrow's regret.
"Do not let fasting tomorrow you can do today.
-sentirdse Nothing tastes better than skinny.
"If you keep talking about what you did yesterday is because you have not done much today. "The more clearly
are you in what you want, the more power you will have to obtain it.
"The pleasure of life lies in doing what others say they will do it.
"Do not get ahead by beating celebrating success but failure.
"You can be as light as a feather and thin as a pin.
"You have to be excellent starting point, you have to start to excellent.
-If you are not thin not you, so start being yourself.
"If today you overeat these retracing the path of perfection.
-Fat people are just attracted to fat people. Raisins
-hungry but losing weight.
"The pain of hunger is gone, the pain of being overweight is for life.
-dancer or a whale?
"No best thing that someone who fails and keeps trying to overcome.
"The important thing is not to fall, the important thing is to get up. Resignation is
-daily suicide.
"No problem has been overcome hope.
"Do not consider painful what is good for you.
"If you are mocked for being different, outwit them by being equal.
"You better be an anorexic a known GORDA anonymous.
"People talk about how skinny you are but you eat so much.
-Avoid eating sugar, fat and salt.
"If adelgazas any clothes you look just right.
"Beauty is not fat load.
-The most powerful woman is that it so dominates.
"If you really want, you're going to achieve.
-motivation makes you start the habit that keeps you going.
"What seems a sacrifice today will be the greatest achievement of your life.
"I determined not ever stop until you've reached my goal.
"They are losers who lose, but those who initially did not try to win.
"It is brave who has no fear, but who knows face.
-Admira what you are, but admires most what can be.
-Being perfect is my goal.
"Do not be afraid to leave something good (food) to gain something better. (Thin)
" Because the food is like art, exists only for her.
"A stumble is not falling, is learning to walk cautiously reach your goal.
"Nobody said it was easy being a princess. "Quod me nutrit
I destruit (what nourishes me destroys me)
" If your whole body adelgazas rid of fat.
The glory begins when you dare to begin.
"Remember that if" does not hurt, does not cost you try "does not work.
"If you have self control, food will have control over you. "You can not pretend
eat it all and not get fat.
"I am what I want to be but I'm buried under a layer of fat and will fight to get out of it.
"If not as I do not give rremordimiento later.
"If tomorrow you want to look thin not eat today.
-Si thinning can be the lowest weight in your group.
"If you eat as always, will remain the same fat.
"It's worse is a girl who has never been thin or fattening.
I want to be skinny, I can be skinny.

Monday, April 5, 2010

How Often To Use Neutrogena Deep Clean


be strong

* * Having a goal
* Remove grease, all the fat that your body has
* Sacrificing your hunger for having the ideal body
* awakening every day and know that your goal today is to not eat
* Facing the beasts around us when they realize what we
* totalmete not be accepted in society, but feel good and accepted among us
* Browse hours Internet to find information ana, or just to find something that forces us
* feel or hear crunching your tummy and feel proud to be ana
* wake up and watch you and cheer for dark circles is a sign that these losing weight
* be happy at the end of the day because you did not eat anything
* pants prove that you do not see that now closed and only loosely
you * know more than anyone about nutrition
* look at a model with very good body and make it your role
* smile when you feel a bone
* have a great secret
* want to give your boyfriend a gift be slimmer
* have nothing in the stomach
* wear a red bracelet on your left hand
* 100% to hate fat
* 100% to hate fat people or
* when hunger becomes something satisfying
* when eating is a sin that makes us mourn for repentance
* when you're hungry and you smoke a cigarette when
* I always look fat even though these hiperdelgada
* need help to know that when you have so many friends on the net that support you
* getting pierced or spend much money on clothes that fit you to see and be forced to lower display or use
* always have a bottle of water in hand
* be the best in excuses and lies to avoid foods
* feel as light as a feather
* wake up every day and touch your belly to see if these more thin
* be a slave to the scale and tape measure


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fasting And Broken Capillaries

behaviors and that erupted last March 20 when we met a large part of the generation of 66 of our town. Gotten all the meetings I've been told that we were the most numerous (54) although there was considerable people who for various reasons did not go with which would have broken records, the truth is that the year 66 at our place was most fruitful year of that baby boom of 60 in Spain. We are the generation that has truly made the structural change in our society and when we get to the previous generation of youth have already begun the change and it has touched us all by having to actually complete the work set by the previous generation. We were the ones who coined that phrase so overused the "I've done to myself" that reflected very well the fact that our ancestors came with a way of being and thinking different that had to be changed and having no any support because we did not have to invent ourselves, hence the phrase.
If you ask what you ate for dinner would not say I remember very well, but if the question was what is chewed in the environment I have it clear: pure excitement. Even seeing most often live in the same town, people talked and remembered the things of childhood and youth as if each had lived in a different place on the planet and we had not seen in years. There was laughter, voices, effusive hugs and even tears of joy that washed a meeting that was necessary from the emotional point of view, we have been, as someone said, a particular generation has continued through life with personal relationships that might not have been deepened by all together, but it is true that the feeling that we were all for all we have not lost, and that says a lot in a world in which we now for today deprives the reign of the self on us as needed.
In short generational our meeting has served to strengthen our friendship more so sincerely after so many years. From these lines I also want to remind people that have guided us since childhood, our parents, teachers, etc ... without whom we would not be the people we are now. And in "our" also a reminder to those who were not and those who came from out specifically to find, especially good friend Antonio who traveled from Cadiz. Greetings to all and thanks for being as you are and what you have been in my life. I could write a pretty big book but the feelings I drown ... so, greetings from Tauri where wait to get our 50 years in which I hope to be more ...

PS: I leave a link to the blog of my good friend José Antonio that passed me (as always happens) to make his account of the night.