Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fasting And Broken Capillaries

behaviors and that erupted last March 20 when we met a large part of the generation of 66 of our town. Gotten all the meetings I've been told that we were the most numerous (54) although there was considerable people who for various reasons did not go with which would have broken records, the truth is that the year 66 at our place was most fruitful year of that baby boom of 60 in Spain. We are the generation that has truly made the structural change in our society and when we get to the previous generation of youth have already begun the change and it has touched us all by having to actually complete the work set by the previous generation. We were the ones who coined that phrase so overused the "I've done to myself" that reflected very well the fact that our ancestors came with a way of being and thinking different that had to be changed and having no any support because we did not have to invent ourselves, hence the phrase.
If you ask what you ate for dinner would not say I remember very well, but if the question was what is chewed in the environment I have it clear: pure excitement. Even seeing most often live in the same town, people talked and remembered the things of childhood and youth as if each had lived in a different place on the planet and we had not seen in years. There was laughter, voices, effusive hugs and even tears of joy that washed a meeting that was necessary from the emotional point of view, we have been, as someone said, a particular generation has continued through life with personal relationships that might not have been deepened by all together, but it is true that the feeling that we were all for all we have not lost, and that says a lot in a world in which we now for today deprives the reign of the self on us as needed.
In short generational our meeting has served to strengthen our friendship more so sincerely after so many years. From these lines I also want to remind people that have guided us since childhood, our parents, teachers, etc ... without whom we would not be the people we are now. And in "our" also a reminder to those who were not and those who came from out specifically to find, especially good friend Antonio who traveled from Cadiz. Greetings to all and thanks for being as you are and what you have been in my life. I could write a pretty big book but the feelings I drown ... so, greetings from Tauri where wait to get our 50 years in which I hope to be more ...

PS: I leave a link to the blog of my good friend José Antonio that passed me (as always happens) to make his account of the night.


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