Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Converse Shoe Laces Too Long

Prisons try to live better, A scourge prisoners or no solution?

has always been criticized Americans for their lifestyle, the American Way, where anything goes. They're always looking around Merchandising. The last thing we have seen is that on the anniversary of the Alcatraz prison (photo) were removed from the sleeve for the low price of $ 150 you spend two nights in prison, but be careful, in the same living conditions of prisoners when it was operational. It may seem an American (it is) but maybe this suppresses the desire to offend some when they know firsthand how are the prisons in the U.S.. At the same time there comes another story that is what made me take this post that deals with new measures in prisons in several states because of the crisis which we live. I transcribe an extract taken from Digital Journalist that pretty much sums up the story:

"Prisoners in the U.S. could even say:" All the past was better "because with the cuts because of the economic crisis is likely to have to pay $ 90 per night in a prison cell. If you need to see a doctor would cost $ 10. And if they would have to buy toilet paper.

In a bid to get more income from the poor economic situation, the states have resorted to a new idea: making prisoners pay their debt to society not only to the deprivation of their liberty, but with cash .

In New York, Republican Assemblyman James Tedisco introduced a bill to charge offenders $ 90 per day for wealthy the cell they occupy and the service they receive in state prisons.

That bill called "law Madoff," by Bernard Madoff, it is assumed that could save 1,000 million dollars a year in expenses for prisoners in jail.

"This concept says that if you can afford, even if part of the amount, then it will help those affected taxpayers who play by the rules," said Tedisco. "

in Spain For when we will copy This type of policy towards prisoners and not hamburgers and theft of pyramidal? So when life imprisonment which is totally compatible with a democratic state? These are questions that many of us do from the perspective that if they have committed a crime by what others have to pay up while the inmate is in prison. I will not go on living conditions, I know that some live as prisoners and others like kings (that's another question, the grades that are totally shameful treatment). The question is not who can pay and the U.S., I mean the fact that in many American prisons inmates have to earn a living from work (here are also those who want to work and reduce punishments) but that does not take them reduce penalties and yes to the state copper ones wages for work performed; An example may be the fact that clean road ditches or that any company needs workers and ask the prison (which has custody of prisoners).

would be a good thing that we would raise the self esteem to see for our ditches and our forests are burned for not being clean some criminal type the murderer of Martha Castle ETA or living like gentlemen (and they beat their breasts saying that are left) with shovels and rakes sweating in the sun, or cleaning up the damage of the bombs that put the ETA or planting trees in areas devastated by the fires. Sure after reading the post more than one will think that this is not well and that can degrade and not reinserted. To that I ask only a second's reflection and realize the good that would do to society while they work would be productive for their own livelihood and not a burden on society that should cost the daily maintenance and up allowance at the time of completion of sentence. In this way would help, be sustained, cotizarían, I think there would be better reintegration work for the community. Consider only how much it cost today to search for the body of Marta del Castillo, a little please (as I would say that), that was cool of the English State and we paid to all as they are laughed from prison. No sir, first sprinkle it had been him, 12-hour work day shit thrown into the dump to try the same "shit." It may seem that irritates me the theme, yes, it is not difficult to implement a solution like this in our prisons without compromising the dignity of prisoners at the end of the day are people and as individuals have the duty and right to work supports them as well the English Constitution and Article 31 says that we all have the obligation to support public expenditure, ie, all means all without distinction, why some and not others? That is the question you should consider our politicians and leaders of all ideologies. I think the idea has become clear. Now it is up to you the review, sharpen knives, throwing nonsense or reconsider ... Greetings from Tauri.


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