Monday, September 21, 2009

How Much Do Six Month Braces Cost

Alzheimer Deconstructing Brain Villablog

Since I began the journey of this space in the universe of the network have made several references to the fight against cancer and on a day like today I could not pass up the opportunity to refer to another of the ills that currently more damage side causes in the population: Alzheimer's disease. Because it must also be counted as well as patients with caregivers who are most familiar to that life in a radical change and, even worse, dramatically.
Day Today is World Alzheimer's patient, a disease whose first obstacle that we face is not known where or at what point is the spark in our brain and it begins to be dismantled. Y nunca mejor dicho. El Alzheimer desmonta literalmente nuestro cerebro, dejándolo completamente vacío de recuerdos y de sensaciones hacia todo lo que nos rodea y lo más doloroso es que olvidamos hasta a nuestros seres queridos y nuestra propia vida. Eso lleva a la destrucción no solo de la vida del enfermo sino también del familiar cuidador que vé como se deteriora su propia calidad de vida al mismo tiempo que el enfermo entra en una pendiente con caida libre hacia la nada, pues la enfermedad radica principalmente en eso, la nada de la persona, anulación total; pero lo más duro es la caida según cuentan familiares, una vez que caen ya todo les da igual, se encierran en un mundo vacío y ya no son nada más que marionetas sin brain.
talk of 800,000 cases in Spain (1 every 15 minutes) and 26 million worldwide and the account goes up in line with the progressive aging of the population. This fact reminds me of a short story I read many years ago and that was that children were born had no humanity, to end a scientist committed suicide because he had discovered that the evil was that the quota of souls on the planet was overwhelmed by the longevity of the inhabitants and while not die their souls could not jump to other infant lives. I think the Alzheimer's disease could be considered dehumanizing a person whose soul wanders in a kind of purgatory would be waiting for your body a goal we all have to come, maybe that's why patients occasionally have these flashes of reality in which they become aware until the evil trap again. Although
publish it later, the day is almost over already, I want this post is a tribute not only to the sick (they are in their world) but a day to day from their families and carers. People of overnight see their world crumbling, and how their lives are subjugated to an endemic problem of our day most often filled by psychologists and psychiatrists consultations with people who no longer know how to deal with live tracking with Alzheimer's disease. So without forgetting those who have the disease I also think should be the day for caregivers and for that you link to one of the articles in the press today and I think it reflects quite clear on the point of view of a person Delivered to a sick relative. Reflect and greetings from Tauri.


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