Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunflower Field In Waialua

or how to fall in what is criticized

When I began the journey of this blog I scored a policy guideline to follow: Do not talk about it. Says with a good friend, he told me that it was inevitable to what I said, it was assumed inevitable but from my perspective not marry anyone and my flirts with political issues would be summarized in "review political issues "do not talk directly about it. Previously there were other cases and is not going to be less. We go to the mess.
I have been amazed by the fuss that has been mounted the photo of the daughters of ZP. It turns out that the first cause it has been seen by himself (I think more has been stretched bound by the protocol). Taking my usual stance and those who follow my entries I know her all the garbage disposal media that has spread by television and political parties on whether this or that. Let the merits of the ladies and gentlemen: they take a picture of the daughters of the president of Spain and the chicken is mounted up to who paid for the trip for girls? How will we get in our degradation as human beings? "At this point they think it only criticize those who criticize the position of the father and how are the girls? Vais ready.
I do not worry those who criticize the other party, whether PP, journalists and others, the only thing they are right is that if the girls traveling with their father in an official visit and attend events or protocol and no one can Moncloa refuse to be photographed because as far as my understanding of Spain's dictatorship ended when he died the little gentleman Galician all of year 75 students are grateful for the three days of mourning that meant no school. This practice is in countries where there is often free, and I mean in general not only the much-touted freedom of the press. Now we can only wonder if the protocol is believed to veto true about the pictures, or if in fact what is searched for free publicity at the expense of girls Did not they know that because they go to the photo tour was inevitable? Do they think we are telos or we suck your thumb? Why go Obama's daughters and other official acts in photos? For this very reason, because they are official acts and photographic evidence they leave all the attendees (mostly because they are concerned at all that out in the photo with this and that). But my personal reflection beyond, leave behind the misery of the protocol that only serve to further clarify who still calls the shots depending on where you go out in the photo or sit at a table meeting. My thoughts find the person.
I have daughters and if I have something clear to them is that they must develop their personalities according to their tastes. Something completely different is the education they receive from their parents and teachers. In the present case have come to cross a zone of what is not wanted to show his daughters as they are and that has hurt me as a parent home with new ideals (not progressive) when education and socialization of children, Mr Zapatero, is that it looks good style of dress of their daughters? Because they hold and do not think for a moment that kicked myself for afford going Aviao as they say in my village. As a father reprimanded him for not supporting publicly the social position of their daughters. If your daughters are Gothic because that is what you get, like, punks or superpijas it does not matter are his daughters and who does not like it is going to take ... Why ass? No, that is homophobic, then to hell. Assume all of our own condition and that of others, and if we want that to be an important event and I can not wear that's a way of restricting freedom that characterizes the free-thinking human being apart from the freak that may represent some people. We better look the other way to find our own shame because as girls superpijas also known how well Obama dressed in acts of intimacy dad then are some revelers care, but that does not count. For all these reasons, Mr Zapatero and other "liberals", I very much like to respect the privacy of our children and want to protect them but as you said yourself "for once it", for that, and it's worth because of screaming the only thing that has raised the curiosity was that everyone wanted to see them, or has achieved the opposite effect. That's life and society in which we live. Greetings from Tauri and comment what you like, no restrictions (only in language) ...


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