Monday, November 23, 2009

Basque People Look Like

This post is for, as the statement, apologize to all my fans and people who read me regularly by them as abandoned for almost a month. Actually it was not for lack of desire to update the blog, but my social mood and I have kept when not in a way, otherwise the power to publish something on this blog where I have always sought the shelter of the words soothe my mind and my soul reflected in her thoughts and reflections that lead us all to bear the burden of our existence from a perspective less visceral and more leisurely. I have gone together current issues which could have spoken, but do not worry because just to take a quick glance at any newspaper, television news feed or subscribe for sure that I find to talk about or say.
After a long period off work (not the crisis, but low), also I returned to my job in this week, all this and my return to the studios have reduced my time lately to the point of not having a moment of calm before the screen and give you know my thoughts, which does not mean that the have had.
back soon I promise to write about everything that I know you waiting impatiently to see the point of view of this humble thinker. Thanks for your patience, see you soon and greetings from Tauri ...


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