Saturday, December 5, 2009

Shocking Diaper Punishment

manifesto in defense of the rights of Internet Vs Anti-Piracy Law Apology

Not that the blog has risen from anti-piracy law or the show is that it has agreed that the first issue to address is this.

"Anti-Piracy Law? Ha ha ha ... But in that country believe that we live "in China? Gentlemen, the first pirates there are politicians, nothing more than have to take a brief look at the headlines of the news to see the "faux hand" in the coffers of the municipalities and institutions groups. Should legislate to most people but no, they are coupled with a bunch of pirates. Wow, did I mention pirates? Let's see if I go and complain for not having washed his mouth before saying it. " If a CD costs 20 euros in the shops, the record company is bagged almost 35% (about 7 euros), the store 26% (about 5 euros) and the artist for 9%! (Less than 2 euros) per disk. The rest is divided between the distributor and VAT. Therefore, when claims against shock, it really is no industry and the artists who lose "(sic). us study the case: We assume the price and see that the industry takes 35%, it puts for recording media, "the store that sells it by 26% - What we sell if we know what we want and it is waiting to ask? - and, after distribution costs and taxes, it's true artist, who had the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing original work, and takes a 9% male-fucking, you are like the wretched of the countryside to the intermediaries are the ones that the prices of their products. My conclusion is that artists are the assholes who are responsible not only to create the work, if not to defend it tooth and nail while you take all the money (which should be those that provide the means of defense) rien cry watching their slaves to come the government to help shift spending millions on campaigns to defend the "legal? With the money from taxpayers. How do you tell this to a modest employer asking for help and give to the door in his face? Why fight campaigns and companies do not bear as a company but they are? Do we take for asshole or is that really what we are, and it hopeless?

Manifesto "? Come on! You have fallen victim of the same that you face. The manifestos have always been the weapon of artists and politicians when they have tried to position on something. In the trenches! That is where to go. Gentlemen, we are crossing of thieves, pirates and other scum! Where is the English blood? (Ostia, that this phrase is accused of Franco. Well, no it off). The presumption of innocence do I think? That is a right of every citizen of a democratic country, I say this because in Spain when a son of a bitch gives a shot in the head by someone called "alleged murderer" even when they had done in the middle of the street, in broad daylight and before his family on occasion. Now who is going to cross to be a criminal for having fallen "Dance Movie" to see it in my house if it is an American movie that shit is not worth a drive? However, in a week I went to see "Always by your side "," Christmas Carol "and" New Moon ", I spent about 60 euros on tickets for my family and nobody is going to congratulate me for it, but I'm still me, the pirate network.

In my blog I always give my personal opinion that seeking consensus and use the ratio of men I think we are: rational. That is why I think that here there are many vested interests and bring them my findings today with reflective spots that should lead to the conclusion that the only issue that suggests is that the war must be between artists and citizens (the last monkeys) while record companies are shoving and governments to make the bed to the rich and powerful. Reflect:

· Labels are businesses. Why defend the government while others such as shipyards closed and over?

· If artists are Currito SGAE "is the union? The unions are fighting for the rights of Curritos against the company, not against the customers (that would lead to immediate closure)

· cry and cry while in the last year have increased the audience to theaters in more than 2 million and, ironically, thanks to record sales over the Internet, have increased profits by several million as well. Is this not a sign of recovery and lower the unemployment if?

· as you know I never understood what they lose in the blankets, is that they control the business? To me it always made me think. We all know Sony, the overnight, sales broke the play that did not sell, how Where did the chip?

· So we geeks instead of a manifesto did not decide to give us all a low connection? If I say I'm a criminal for having access and use, for nothing, I am disconnected. When they are in bankruptcy Telefónica, Ono, Vodafone, ... the government will do its part and will force us to give us high because we bastards are going to turn out hundreds of thousands of workers. Which is it, peel it or sell?

· understand that the government has a difficult task, would be foolish to ignore "But before deciding anything should weigh all the pros and cons so that the law protects everyone equally. Closing pages or to require carriers to deny access connections to certain pages, the following will be the lobby of women prompted the closure of porn sites. What we would be seen on the Internet? Is Wikipedia? Then forget it. (Post it mentally, "why women rather than condemn it as coming out to see sluts sluts on the net do not fight because they have more pages to piggy guys they enjoy the view? ")

I to these points and many more that may arise to open a debate in which all opinéis regard. Took several days looking through the net and I see only one side positions and other conflicting and many absurdities. I do not know how many people actually read this post, but if you think that actually brings something new to leave the door open to all ideas would you give to him the most publicity through your blogs, word of mouth and by voting massively entry. Let's see if we manage to listen. After all this and send you my most cordial greetings from Tauri and I stand by the comment Jesus in this article says: " I ask you to do a thought: when they invented the printing press, governments encouraged its spread, just as the Internet has been promoted in all countries, recognize that it is inevitable, when the press began to spread critical ideas, they invented the Nihil Obstat and the Index of prohibited books, the approval of censors civil and religious, but both the former and disappeared over the years. The world of the Internet and downloads is anything like today, perhaps with new taxes and restrictions get something at the moment, it might be a losing battle, but war always win long term. For artists, the best thing is to stop creating, but renewed, that they removed the snack bar by the new winds that are obviously, have to resort to creative ingenuity to get out of the doldrums, they are creative right? So that, to imagine, not bleed the rest, but to survive like the rest, but no one can go against progress and the sovereign wishes of the people, or you have forgotten to delegate authority in our kings and politicians for us govern, not to tyrannize us. Certainly the people of the SGAE say that for my part, be calm, I'm not hacking or a disc of Ramoncín (jaramago a day) or Rosarillo (which I did not like when his mother tried to put it in show business and six years), as well as any other artist mediocrity, music and film artists Current English I disgusted. What this country where even the artists want to be officials (but not contested to). "


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