Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hives On Feet And Ankles

Pact social responsibility: For a real human network

Because in the era of globalization who have access to the network are only 24% of world population, for 5,100 million people do not have Internet access, because we are not society, but only part of it, because we will not be an elite, because we do not feel privileged, because we do not generate more invisible and excluded, we, the citizenry surfer we demand a firm and decided to end the social and digital divide. We call a true social pact responsibility to supranational bodies, mainly the UN and the EU, and central governments, regional and local political parties, the mass media and social enterprises, to NGOs and the public at large to:

  • access to information and knowledge, and technological tools is a universal right protected by applicable local, state and supranational, and underpinned by the public.
  • That right is not monopolized by those who create, serve and manage the resources, tools and the works themselves, not a concession to those who are recognized a privilege payment of services and tools to access global knowledge.
  • Information Society and Knowledge is constructed considering social, prioritizing key issues such as education, solidarity, pluralism and integration. Evil is the Information Society and Knowledge if you just think how few may take up and manage and monetize the power, if only there are economic reasons, billing, marketing, leisure and entertainment,
  • Stop the exclusion of millions of people in the real world and the network of networks. Because they all are at high risk of absolute invisibility. People who suffer exclusion can make them visible in everyday life and also here in the Red Network. Demos
  • access, tools and visibility to those who mediate between the affluent society and the needy. We stopped
  • inbreeding in Internet dangerous and dissociation growing online ecosystem for the world real. Because we see a rapid disengagement of the issues that do not relate directly or indirectly to the network and its members.
  • mass media and traditional media and the blogosphere take a joint commitment to social responsibility. We mistake if we think of imposing a single thought instead of seeking dialogue to bring together actions to ensure progress in the welfare state, cohesion and sustainability.
  • Journalists regain social and ethical responsibility to be assumed to journalism. Difficult to build an Information Society and Knowledge with noise, confusion and misinformation. We rigor and more and better social information.
  • think all social perspective. Think social key is to think of universal Internet access and all the technological tools, but so is giving visibility and space to groups and real-world problems, pressure in the physical world and on the Internet for us to stop the mass suicide of climate change so that all people have universal access to healthcare, education and information so that no one lacks food or water, so that all people have the right to housing and decent work, and remuneration just for their work, to respect the labor rights of women, minors, persons seniors, immigrants, displaced persons and refugees, the sick, the minorities, local communities, of all races, languages \u200b\u200band cultures, and our natural environment. Thinking about key social and act accordingly in the physical world and the Internet. Shut
  • economic gaps, generational, cultural, gender, geographic and technological.

Deliver to build a real human network. Because each person excluded in the real world and the online ecosystem is a failure of all of us.

I joined because I think they were right. I hope the compartais. Greetings from Tauri ...


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