Sunday, February 28, 2010

Quadpacer Replacement


muchisisisimas has happened to me and my mom sometimes buys a cake, cookies, chocolates or something that I like and obviously I like.
I guess all's happened, then I start to think that it is so easy that expires I will and say good I'll take just a slice or a piece or only slightly, test, taste and I just feel like I have .... after eating a little and eat it, then I want a little more than just a piece, eat it and what happens after "ME AND THE END OF EVERYTHING"
NONONONONO, better not try it, if it looks good! but then ....
Nothing happens if I do not like, instead I'm glad I have not gotten all those calories in my body and the best is that every time I'm closer to my goal, I will not let
a craving ends with everything I've done.

Bloated Feeling After Stomach Hernia Operation

66 February 28: Dia de Andalucia

Today addition of Andalusia day we meet 30 years after the ratification of our status autonomy, something that many do not give "a penny." After hibernation unexpected blog post I have deemed today to coincide with this celebration and other issues that had parked pending. Why? Well, to make a reflection I think that not only affects the Andalusians, but also the whole of the English, or English feel, and that's the point of reflection today. From outside Spain (and especially within) it is assumed that we are the country of the party and the tambourine and our fellow citizens out of Andalusia believe that the fault is ours for our folklore and for being "slackers" who are always celebrating. This urban legend circulates without We really do anything about letting the media and clearly identified by it, because it affects us subresticiamente in tourist revenue impact on jobs. Tourists who come looking for idleness finds that the place is so full of monuments and scenic wonders ending surrendered to walk and to visit places and they all end with the phrase that the "and the Andalusian way of life and good person is. " Ladies and gentlemen, they beat us and then we pass his hand over his back like dogs but not publicly contradict the above. And we're still here, fighting for what our "two balls".
a day like today should serve to strengthen More on our genesis of Andalusians, Andalusian if it be, how? Of course no one is more Andalusian to go today to the official acts and know how to sing the anthem of Andalusia (not bad things are made), the Andalusian is showing that we live not only in tourism but we have other potential unless visible and should be recognized without more, a clear example may be take a look at the credits of films and series that are issued today in film and television, much believe unequivocally that the rate in some series even goes almost 50% of staff. Who promotes this nationally known? Nobody. Even the actors if they are not refers to its origin not say, do not put in their cribs in interviews that emphasize the type andalucismo "because back in my village in Andalusia ... It would ... If you were to Andalusia would know ...", I do not understand why they do when an Andalusian as Antonio Banderas living in the U.S. is talking drool and Andalusian Spain and his native Malaga (logical).
Many times I have mentioned in various discussions the issue of the flag (as that Andalusian English) and its absence in our homes. Yesterday saw an American movie comment came straight back, we'll see in any American home country waving a flag and is even frowned upon Just because you can make it and do not do ... we moved to our country and put a flag in his home country, apart from cross it off look of shit, you risk having him paint the facade and other niceties that I've never understood. Vale for four decades were ruled by a dwarf goat, his army uniform scavenging eagles and black crows dealing with psychologically crush the populace with a word so overused that it was "resigned" but that's an excuse to abandon our I think patriotism gives wings to all those obsolete today swarm around slapping his chest saying that they themselves are patriots. We are part of a regional identity and a national fully compatible and sovereign, and so today from this virtual building where all fill our walls Andalusian blanquiverde color of our flag along with the red and yellow that represents our identity as a country, we are not illiterate ceporros and social leave the past behind and strive in the present for a future that is promising, not more of the same ... Greetings from Tauri and happy day all Andalusia Andalusia in and out of our land.

Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Connect Walkie Talkies To Computer

improve or I'm going a killer .. do you want to be like me?

I missed
write, but finally I did what I've been kinda busy for many things but mainly because I'm getting a killer, a killer if the damn fat that is within me and almost exterminated, but she struggles to live, I I'm not leaving before I was locked up, unhappy, depressed and unable to leave but I managed to escape, but I do not shut up to it, will eliminate forever I ONLY STAY A.
is that I am not unica.Por I tell you, do not give up, the challenges that she never will be able to eliminate them and create fear to fail and fall, but it is a challenge and no matter if at first you fail, many of you are moving forward and I wish soon to reach their goal, and those who remain trapped tell them never give up, if you can make it, stop thinking that they can not.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dutch Masters Palma Blunt

that endures REACHES

All we seem to be periods where it is often difficult estancadas.A continue fasting or a diet low in calories when you slow weight loss or bored estaciona.Podemos ana if our understanding of it is superficial.Muchas sometimes things do not go as we would like, so we are tempted to leave everything and food (grease again)
then remember how we were before he met Anna, remember the little thing and we felt we had zero self-esteem that we hated our cuerpos.Si sometimes diet does not seem so wonderful, remember how much worse is the other alternative. (being fat). We've been in the depths of despair and not wanting to return to that state. Always follow
adelante.Aun When not progressed so rapidly but that does not mean that we do not continue progresando.Hay to be patient, it is worth the esfuerzo.Por nobody said it was easy being a princess but with perseverance we will succeed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Old Honeywell Installation

fall asleep and awake on 13 to 15


Well this post is very different from all that I put, but I wanted to write to show my hatred of Valentine's Day damn, I guess I'm not the only one that strikes him today, but most they do not like is entering a ridiculous state of depression for not having a boyfriend or girlfriend and would like to have someone to hug, kiss blablabla.La truth I do not hate him for that, because if I have suitors who would like me to be his girlfriend, but I did not want to commit to accept in a relationship with someone, first because he fled to the commitment and that ... I do not like to feel free and second that all men make me super cheesy, and always want to be you and I feel like I'm choking, like much influenced me to be a very cold, so it strikes me this day, people become stupid, and everywhere you turn again to all the couples being watched by the hour or saying how much hahaha you love for hours, I can not go quietly to nowhere because everything is up to the mother, full of LOVE super hahaha, you attack the sellers of roses (which incidentally I do not like flowers), turn heart-shaped balloons everywhere, stuffed with stupid phrases like, "I love you to the stars" or whatever and 'worst chocolates of all shapes and do not know about you but for me it is a great temptation, in order and handed me a lot and maybe many of you if you like this day and is well until they eat chocolate lol, I'll sleep so I wake up I think 13 and up to 15 thinking that this day was just a nightmare, thanks for comment and will write an entry princesas.Pronto follow the motivation to reach your goal
thispiration I leave and I feel not write as often but I've been busy, will try to put more entries as you like thanks.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Vidios Incestos Reais

HUNGER " Or boring? I agree

often interpreted as hambre.Cuando boredom seems to have nothing to do, always think of eating! or begin to haunt the refrigerator and often do not resist the urge and eat.
To escape the boredom, we need to turn our attention out and focus on something else, there are many things we can do, what you like and keep you busy, so avoid idleness and stop thinking about food.