Monday, August 9, 2010

Kitchenaid Refrigerator Leaking Water

princesses finally writing Hello I hope I have missed you lol, if I missed them but I promise to be more the slope of the blog and write at least once a year is not it ...??? lol I'll do once a week, I realized that I have commented and visited lots of princesses THANK new hope to reach their goals, to you I leave the dictionary and princesses who have more time I leave UNTIL THEN thinspiration "WOW AND VAN OVER THANK YOU FANS 100 "

: A person with anorexia.
MIA : A person with bulimia. ANA
WANNABE: a person who does not have anorexia, but wishes to have.
BULIMINOREXICA : person alternating periods of anorexia and bulimia. RESTRICTIVE
MIA: A person having all the characteristics of a bulimic but also fast and restricts food. ANA
PURIFICATION : anorexic although not usually do, if exceding vomit or being forced to eat.
BMI: Body Mass Index BMI
: same BMI, but the letters are in English.
Pro Ana / Pro Mia : Yes No the ED.
ED: Eating disorder (eating disorder) DA also called in English. Binge
: binge eating or bingeing. PURGE
: Induce vomiting. SELF-INJURY
: Self-mutilation
THINSPIRATION : Inspiration thin or anorexic someone who gives us strength to reach our goal.
TIPS: Tips for achieving your goals. NEGATIVE CALORIES
: Are the calories in some common foods to digest that your body uses more calories than it contains the food, I mean it burns more than it eats.
orthorexia ; obsession for healthy food. VEGAN
: A person who does not consume any food of animal origin.
BIPOLAR : mood that fluctuates between two phases, one of great happiness and deep depression.
manic : Characterized by excessive mood, hyperactivity, decreased need for sleep so depressed phase
: crying, listlessness, depression, suicidal thoughts, diet changes etc. OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER
. Disorder anxiety that is characterized by obsessions (unwanted impulses or images) and compulsions (repetitive rituals to relieve anxiety) EJ: Excessive fear of germs = washing hands every half hour.
PANIC ATTACKS: Repeated periods of fear and unrest occur without cause accompanied by a rapid heartbeat
COMPULSIVE EATER: A person can not stop eating even though this is not hungry or satisfied, unless there is a medical condition fisica.Suele frequent binge and then have a sense of guilt and depression. IMC
: body mass index.


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