Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Which Is A Stronger Acid Trichloracetic

Spanish aid

since I arrived almost live via Twitter news of the release of our donors by Al Qaeda was already thinking of this post and would have to do it quickly before it happened so already beginning to happen. Return to hear and discuss about everything that happened gilipollezcamente sacándole all points and for having, the gratifying fact of the release of aid workers probably will open a political course after the summer because the media through press has already begun. Those who follow me know that I have a political ideology related to any party of those who currently make up the socio-political landscape of this country or any other (I am an anarchist utopia) and that is why there will be things that disappoint me or I sympathize of any politician. But ravings about the topic, two people have taken nine months thinking every day that every minute you were alive was a minute to think about the next minute, that they will not ever forget them psychologically until the end chase of his life.
My thoughts and is coming a little late for not having enough time to make before, while writing I've seen the Reader via a national newspaper is proclaiming that the government has paid 8 million for the release of aid workers. Let's see ladies and gentlemen: And who gives a shit if you have paid 8 or 6 or whatever, what matters is that they killed and they are with their families, "those meddlesome assholes have ever been to work in an NGO? Anyone who complained should send payment by law in your holiday to Ethiopia, Mali or simply to help all the homeless that abound in our cities and towns, to see if they realize that by having a plate food on the table and others do not matter and are thus because they want to or because of their governments (of course these thoughts are released into the bar to shake off the track and have a pretext for doing nothing). Two people have been released, yes, but those two people, along with the other cooperating released months ago, were carrying out humanitarian work in a country where only drink a few drops of water must be miles to a well whose water safe anyone here who used to drink the tap water or bottled and comes up with a designation of origin. A little, just a little, conscience we would see the work that the NGOs cooperating in all without exception, are of ideology may be, is something that if put in a balance of cooperation only one day be worth more than a month of work in our day to day and you try to discuss it at any time close to a soup kitchen and help feed, sure he would drop the sticks the sunshade and do not speak the same after the experience. Cooperation is not a queen or a dignitary or celebrity taking into his hands a black for the photo and that request financial assistance, no cooperation is lend a hand at the expense of our vacation, and work through anonymous contributions and expense of our sweat and our health many times to go to places where diseases are not the flu that is passed with paracetamol and ibuprofen; and I reiterate it's ours because ours is the effort we should do, the leaders are lost in bureaucratic roles and what they promise never reach 50%. Concienciemonos cooperating with all scattered throughout the world and give them the consideration they deserve, do not give medals to Panolis say excited and then use them to open their doors for easy money, let's give medals to those who deserve them really to give part of their lives unselfishly to pick up emotions and satisfactions of work done with commitment, no pressure. I kneel down before them all like kings and praise for the work they do and give a fuck if they are paid or unpaid rescue, who are still alive and can continue with its work has not price. Thanks for being there.

PS will remove consciousness after I have only put the sad note just giving a slap on the wrist to cooperating Vilalta, cross podreis me of what you will but I'm on the moral need to know, but there who would seem inappropriate. Vilalta Lord, after having a heavy heart for his misfortune with his partner for months and all your family, friends and a whole country awaiting their fate (and after the implementation of a French citizen) how dare you go to all of us in Catalan when I was listening to all the whole country? Look, I can understand that in Catalonia Catalan is spoken as in Galicia Galician is spoken but you was not directed only to the Catalans but to all the English people had expected his return safe and sound, seemed to be a lack of respect for those who live in other parts of Spain and Catalan do not understand, I can say that with the excitement and so did not notice or whatever you see fit, but I personally do not ever enough, I expected hear him all his excitement at being released and only heard a voice cold and without feeling that merely translate their words but without conveying any sense. I hope so I read these lines or get their echoes take this into account in the future. Thanks


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