Monday, July 27, 2009

Matryoshka Dolls To Buy

Do we suffer a reverse racism?

quite recently spoken in all media of a new conception of what we call racism, reverse racism. The new concept is so far removed from the sleeve because they fail to grasp that existed before, but, of course, by itself was well regarded because the society was the bad guy who repressed sectors and races. Had to fight on the side of the afflicted and oppressed. For example if someone said "look there goes the Gypsy" that was a clear sign of racism and exclusion by the pejorative term.

Time passes and we are today at a crossroads that is leading us to have to measure both the words that make anything from anything off alarms. If you talk to a black person, a gypsy, a Muslim or simply (in my case as a man) with a woman any gesture or word you turn against you under the concept that you are a racist. Fear gives talk. This leads us to be ourselves excluded without reason, ignoring logical those who really are racist. This is based on the term reverse racism, we've gone from accusing those who could be charged, but more virulent.

Nothing is further from the reality on my part to remove racist term iron, you can not, but it does claim certain treatment that itself does not have anything as racist as long as they are made from the purest respect for people . To give some examples: gypsy could say without rancor and people belonging to the gypsy themselves claimed. Black would say to those people who are "colored" What color? Well of course black, or is there is only black as color, to be told the Chinese and the olive yellowish or Hindus. Last week I read in a newspaper as Obama and Denzel Washington agreed on a sentence in individual interviews "Racism is no excuse. Being black and living in a poor neighborhood does not mean that the only solution is to be a rapper or NBA player. You can leave studying and becoming a doctor, scientist, or whatever you want to be. " Coming from a black president and an actor with two Oscars from the lower middle class I think there is every reason to put the fact of being black as a patch, not to mention that in a country like the U.S. still fishtailing racism and xenophobia, no only blacks, but whatever comes from outside.

I got into the sack the topic of women and gender-based violence (not macho please), with the risk of stoning me as a man because I think together with the issue of youth and violence is for us to hand and it looks closer. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the "reverse racism" is palpable to the surface in this issue. When the attorney general chose Spain to gender violence made him a television interview in which, with the recently released position, said bluntly: "To date in my department we assume that 60% of complaints we receive will be false. Women who come will want to separate and seek to do harm, others by the mere fact of not knowing how to tell their husbands to be and even if it hurts to admit, that after abusers as people cancel their husbands end up denouncing them as abusers. " The face of the journalist was a poem and just happened to wish him luck in his task. 60%! I was stunned at the time, but then I found personally in the street and I heard conversations that made me the creeps: women in simple conversations that have threatened to report him when fed up enough that it leaves anything, etc. .. and amid the thinning accusing famous heart programs, the latest dick and Saborio Lidia Bosch. By God, that credibility is the other 40% of women who do deserve their "macho" they cut their attributes and the address at the public square while they scoff at it (and this without being cruel). This circus also sure that leads to other women to think of the report for fear of not being believed, especially those that no one knows anything or hear anything and end up appearing on most front pages and television news with neighbors who say, "If seemed a good match, we have not heard anything. "

Finally, I will not go much deeper. I think it has become clear The purpose of this entry: until the day you stop talking about equality does not come to get it. I'm white, you're black, you are South American, you're Chinese ... and nothing happens, we are all equal as people. As for women, it is physically impossible to be equal (even with surgery), but as human beings themselves perform the same function and should not be discriminated by sex. Now, as always, for you to comment on the topic. Greetings from Tauri where it is also very hot ...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Irs Scholarships And Grants

Reflections of a Father (II)

He named the post because after hesitating to make an entrance, at the end I am left with none. Within a few hours I go to hospital for a few days and did not want to leave you with the bad taste of not having nothing to reflect.
reading the newspaper, watching TV or listening to the radio only leave troubles of crisis, death, destruction, accidents and countless long situations that do not help at all when thinking about bringing children to this rotten world we live. At the same time, those who already have children, we think that if this continues, what will be for them. With this in mind I wanted to make an entry into thinking all those with children and no, that enseñariais your children from falling in so many bottomless pits of misery and hardship so, or not having the rejection of a society that is competitive, wild and above all else: CRUEL.
For my part, I leave some stuff, now you say what you think and also if you want to add yours. Here you have mine:
-To learn that the most valuable is not what they have in their lives but who have in their lives.
"To learn that it is not good compared with others because there's always someone better or worse than them.
"To learn that they can not make anyone love them, what they can do is be loved.
"To learn that" rich "is not the most are, but who needs the least.
"To learn that it should control their attitudes or their attitudes will control.
"To learn that there are people that you love them, but simply do not know how to prove it.
"To learn that great dreams do not require great wings but a landing gear to achieve.
-Learning is not always enough to be forgiven by others, sometimes have to forgive themselves.
"To learn that happiness is not just luck but the product of decisions.
"To learn that two people can watch the same thing and see something totally different.
"To learn that, to retain the power to the people they love, the more quickly away them and to let go, have them forever at his side.
-To learn to love and love are not synonymous but antonyms: the demands wanting everything, gives everything to love.
"To learn that it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy.
post may seem a sad, but no. Look at it like we still have time to fix something for what we have left to live and those who precede us. Greetings from Tauri and good weekend in the umbrella and meditating ...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Difference Between Hypoglycemia And Hyperglycemia

Tauri Source

Everything comes and I'm finally completing the long promised entry. Perhaps some will say that the final tostón go, but I believed that to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the name must shall document well without being heavy, and there is so much information online that is difficult to summarize. Still, after much digging I came to the place where she felt less unexpected to find a tablet as short enough to read it and not get tired a lot, copy, cut, pasted, added some photos representative of each party and the PDF as always, that no tengais any problem when open.

For the more vague you say it all started in 1994 with a movie called Stargate which raised the pyramids of Egypt had not been accurately dated and were considerably older and made by the hands of aliens. With a device found in the 20's of XX century they get to operate travel to another planet where the main action takes place and where they are told from a planet called Tauri ending realizing that is Earth.

The device is the one you see in the photo, which contains the symbols you see in the other photo. The mechanism works as a safe, goes round and each symbol is fitting in these triangles are called chevrons. Each combination corresponds to a planet in the Milky Way where there is another door where he goes the same for (c'mon, Doraemon's magic door but way). Tauri calling me should have put the symbol that looks at the beginning of the post which is what corresponds to Earth, but the dog looked at me with a face ... Well, maybe change it later.
I liked the film and the series got me hooked (the SG-1) because the topic was known by the books that is based the idea that he was the author of the seventies (in full swing UFO) Erich Von Daniken and Chariots of the Gods?. One theory argues that throughout history mankind has been visited by aliens has influenced them somehow. Now there each with their way of thinking believe it or not or just the opposite. Anyway I hope you have a good time reading the document that you've uploaded to SkyDrive and where it is told in a short space all the Stargate universe: .Public / Universe% 7C_STARGATE.pdf .

Oh and last but not least I found on youtube a Discovery Channel documentary on the subject. Is divided into several parts and it appears the actors, writers and even the very Erich Von Daniken, I recommend that if you can see him. Well, I hope so much information you clarify all any doubts he had, I think that the work has paid off as he says a character in the series: "He brought Kon" which means "greetings ... from Tauri logically.
PD: Published in both blogs and I hope that you put something even hello, read, ... I had problems inserting the video, I put the URL of the first cut and you only have to go right clicking the one that follows:

Monday, July 6, 2009

Stores Hiring Part Time Brampton

New blog

Well, you see that yes, there are other more relaxed blog.Será it, and try lighter items in terms of thinking though that never you know, maybe some songs from the new blog will appear more profound. The name hit me and went well for the idea that was haunting the mind. The truth is that when posting in "Reflections .." I was with the handicap that not all issues had a place as this blog is serious and the topics can not be certain very gossipy, sarcastic or humorous. This blog is to discuss issues that lead to reflection on aspects of life that concern us in our psychology and our ways of acting and being as human beings.
The only way to get to the other more mundane arena was to create a new blog and here is called Http:// . As you see in the picture there are no entries yet, that's because I'm finalizing a post which I already alluded to why I got Tauri and that's all this about Stargate. I want the first post of new blog is the Stargate at the same time it is also published in this one. So start with a double to celebrate the birth of the new blog. As you are ready I will publish it, I can only complete a little thing as it will take photos, extensive commentary, links and videos, we completito. What is certain is that is coming soon, maybe today. Well, I hope you tengais the same track as the new offspring will you have to older brother. Greetings from Tauri ...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bellybutton Hurts After C-section

Louder than a cannon

More than 300 days together ...

... hundreds of bags of garbage accumulated ...

... thousands of plates of pasta eaten ...

... lots of laughs and some fights ...

live life!

Some go and others stay, but the important thing is that im-perfect does not end here. Although we separated a few miles away and we do not see every day, Im, Miss Trixie, and I Picota (Silent Don) will be for the rest of our lives im-perfect.

Because it's true that it takes a minute to say hello, but a lifetime to say goodbye. It seems yesterday when, just landed in Valencia, Picota saw for the first time, died of panic not know what my future might hold me in Valencia, a few years ago. Because a year has passed since I came Im talkative with her sister to meet for the first time his lovely and tender hideout. What do you think of Miss Trixie? I remember well that girl that at first glance looked like a dick, with that look as beach, accompanied by her great mother, analyzing in detail the room in order to carry out a surprising and radical transformation and making it their hippy particular room.

recall epic moments , which will probably remain in the memory of the four: Im etymological explanations, my fits of laughter without rhyme or reason, the day that Miss Trixie left the keys at home and could not enter the burnt pizzas Pillory, the day I was locked in my room, trash bags accumulated in the kitchen, Picota panties, sausage sandwiches, my glasses vozdka noon times coloraos mice, Miss Trixie naps almost anywhere floor, excursions to Mercadona, rotten oranges in the gallery, the nightly conversations with his Galician Picota, Im Roman sandals, continued packages brought SEUR home, the hundreds of games in the Puzzle Bubble, the coffee drink of Im, Pillory photo faller ... and so on.

I will miss these moments. I will miss you.

I have only one thing clear: to be able to change roommates, but my im-perfect not ever be replaced. Do not say goodbye, because I will not let any of you away from me, I take with me wherever I go.

A toast to all experienced

PS: Since I have become tender and I dedicate a farewell, I hope you are at the height ... who are peorcillo it.

How To Deal With Friends Mad At Eloping


Definition: Individual finite having the walls of his stark white room, either by personal preferences arising from mental disorders or schizophrenia or hanging out of laziness in "hundreds" of above posters that have in their possession. Has certain peculiarities that make it special, for example, the ability to measure the size of the rooms for the number of bodies that fit.