Monday, July 27, 2009

Matryoshka Dolls To Buy

Do we suffer a reverse racism?

quite recently spoken in all media of a new conception of what we call racism, reverse racism. The new concept is so far removed from the sleeve because they fail to grasp that existed before, but, of course, by itself was well regarded because the society was the bad guy who repressed sectors and races. Had to fight on the side of the afflicted and oppressed. For example if someone said "look there goes the Gypsy" that was a clear sign of racism and exclusion by the pejorative term.

Time passes and we are today at a crossroads that is leading us to have to measure both the words that make anything from anything off alarms. If you talk to a black person, a gypsy, a Muslim or simply (in my case as a man) with a woman any gesture or word you turn against you under the concept that you are a racist. Fear gives talk. This leads us to be ourselves excluded without reason, ignoring logical those who really are racist. This is based on the term reverse racism, we've gone from accusing those who could be charged, but more virulent.

Nothing is further from the reality on my part to remove racist term iron, you can not, but it does claim certain treatment that itself does not have anything as racist as long as they are made from the purest respect for people . To give some examples: gypsy could say without rancor and people belonging to the gypsy themselves claimed. Black would say to those people who are "colored" What color? Well of course black, or is there is only black as color, to be told the Chinese and the olive yellowish or Hindus. Last week I read in a newspaper as Obama and Denzel Washington agreed on a sentence in individual interviews "Racism is no excuse. Being black and living in a poor neighborhood does not mean that the only solution is to be a rapper or NBA player. You can leave studying and becoming a doctor, scientist, or whatever you want to be. " Coming from a black president and an actor with two Oscars from the lower middle class I think there is every reason to put the fact of being black as a patch, not to mention that in a country like the U.S. still fishtailing racism and xenophobia, no only blacks, but whatever comes from outside.

I got into the sack the topic of women and gender-based violence (not macho please), with the risk of stoning me as a man because I think together with the issue of youth and violence is for us to hand and it looks closer. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the "reverse racism" is palpable to the surface in this issue. When the attorney general chose Spain to gender violence made him a television interview in which, with the recently released position, said bluntly: "To date in my department we assume that 60% of complaints we receive will be false. Women who come will want to separate and seek to do harm, others by the mere fact of not knowing how to tell their husbands to be and even if it hurts to admit, that after abusers as people cancel their husbands end up denouncing them as abusers. " The face of the journalist was a poem and just happened to wish him luck in his task. 60%! I was stunned at the time, but then I found personally in the street and I heard conversations that made me the creeps: women in simple conversations that have threatened to report him when fed up enough that it leaves anything, etc. .. and amid the thinning accusing famous heart programs, the latest dick and Saborio Lidia Bosch. By God, that credibility is the other 40% of women who do deserve their "macho" they cut their attributes and the address at the public square while they scoff at it (and this without being cruel). This circus also sure that leads to other women to think of the report for fear of not being believed, especially those that no one knows anything or hear anything and end up appearing on most front pages and television news with neighbors who say, "If seemed a good match, we have not heard anything. "

Finally, I will not go much deeper. I think it has become clear The purpose of this entry: until the day you stop talking about equality does not come to get it. I'm white, you're black, you are South American, you're Chinese ... and nothing happens, we are all equal as people. As for women, it is physically impossible to be equal (even with surgery), but as human beings themselves perform the same function and should not be discriminated by sex. Now, as always, for you to comment on the topic. Greetings from Tauri where it is also very hot ...


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