Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bellybutton Hurts After C-section

Louder than a cannon

More than 300 days together ...

... hundreds of bags of garbage accumulated ...

... thousands of plates of pasta eaten ...

... lots of laughs and some fights ...

live life!

Some go and others stay, but the important thing is that im-perfect does not end here. Although we separated a few miles away and we do not see every day, Im, Miss Trixie, and I Picota (Silent Don) will be for the rest of our lives im-perfect.

Because it's true that it takes a minute to say hello, but a lifetime to say goodbye. It seems yesterday when, just landed in Valencia, Picota saw for the first time, died of panic not know what my future might hold me in Valencia, a few years ago. Because a year has passed since I came Im talkative with her sister to meet for the first time his lovely and tender hideout. What do you think of Miss Trixie? I remember well that girl that at first glance looked like a dick, with that look as beach, accompanied by her great mother, analyzing in detail the room in order to carry out a surprising and radical transformation and making it their hippy particular room.

recall epic moments , which will probably remain in the memory of the four: Im etymological explanations, my fits of laughter without rhyme or reason, the day that Miss Trixie left the keys at home and could not enter the burnt pizzas Pillory, the day I was locked in my room, trash bags accumulated in the kitchen, Picota panties, sausage sandwiches, my glasses vozdka noon times coloraos mice, Miss Trixie naps almost anywhere floor, excursions to Mercadona, rotten oranges in the gallery, the nightly conversations with his Galician Picota, Im Roman sandals, continued packages brought SEUR home, the hundreds of games in the Puzzle Bubble, the coffee drink of Im, Pillory photo faller ... and so on.

I will miss these moments. I will miss you.

I have only one thing clear: to be able to change roommates, but my im-perfect not ever be replaced. Do not say goodbye, because I will not let any of you away from me, I take with me wherever I go.

A toast to all experienced

PS: Since I have become tender and I dedicate a farewell, I hope you are at the height ... who are peorcillo it.


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