Monday, July 6, 2009

Stores Hiring Part Time Brampton

New blog

Well, you see that yes, there are other more relaxed blog.SerĂ¡ it, and try lighter items in terms of thinking though that never you know, maybe some songs from the new blog will appear more profound. The name hit me and went well for the idea that was haunting the mind. The truth is that when posting in "Reflections .." I was with the handicap that not all issues had a place as this blog is serious and the topics can not be certain very gossipy, sarcastic or humorous. This blog is to discuss issues that lead to reflection on aspects of life that concern us in our psychology and our ways of acting and being as human beings.
The only way to get to the other more mundane arena was to create a new blog and here is called Http:// . As you see in the picture there are no entries yet, that's because I'm finalizing a post which I already alluded to why I got Tauri and that's all this about Stargate. I want the first post of new blog is the Stargate at the same time it is also published in this one. So start with a double to celebrate the birth of the new blog. As you are ready I will publish it, I can only complete a little thing as it will take photos, extensive commentary, links and videos, we completito. What is certain is that is coming soon, maybe today. Well, I hope you tengais the same track as the new offspring will you have to older brother. Greetings from Tauri ...


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