Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Difference Between Hypoglycemia And Hyperglycemia

Tauri Source

Everything comes and I'm finally completing the long promised entry. Perhaps some will say that the final tostón go, but I believed that to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the name must shall document well without being heavy, and there is so much information online that is difficult to summarize. Still, after much digging I came to the place where she felt less unexpected to find a tablet as short enough to read it and not get tired a lot, copy, cut, pasted, added some photos representative of each party and the PDF as always, that no tengais any problem when open.

For the more vague you say it all started in 1994 with a movie called Stargate which raised the pyramids of Egypt had not been accurately dated and were considerably older and made by the hands of aliens. With a device found in the 20's of XX century they get to operate travel to another planet where the main action takes place and where they are told from a planet called Tauri ending realizing that is Earth.

The device is the one you see in the photo, which contains the symbols you see in the other photo. The mechanism works as a safe, goes round and each symbol is fitting in these triangles are called chevrons. Each combination corresponds to a planet in the Milky Way where there is another door where he goes the same for (c'mon, Doraemon's magic door but way). Tauri calling me should have put the symbol that looks at the beginning of the post which is what corresponds to Earth, but the dog looked at me with a face ... Well, maybe change it later.
I liked the film and the series got me hooked (the SG-1) because the topic was known by the books that is based the idea that he was the author of the seventies (in full swing UFO) Erich Von Daniken and Chariots of the Gods?. One theory argues that throughout history mankind has been visited by aliens has influenced them somehow. Now there each with their way of thinking believe it or not or just the opposite. Anyway I hope you have a good time reading the document that you've uploaded to SkyDrive and where it is told in a short space all the Stargate universe:
http://cid-9dd08e2e2944ace3.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/ .Public / Universe% 7C_STARGATE.pdf .

Oh and last but not least I found on youtube a Discovery Channel documentary on the subject. Is divided into several parts and it appears the actors, writers and even the very Erich Von Daniken, I recommend that if you can see him. Well, I hope so much information you clarify all any doubts he had, I think that the work has paid off as he says a character in the series: "He brought Kon" which means "greetings ... from Tauri logically.
PD: Published in both blogs and I hope that you put something even hello, read, ... I had problems inserting the video, I put the URL of the first cut and you only have to go right clicking the one that follows:


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