Thursday, July 16, 2009

Irs Scholarships And Grants

Reflections of a Father (II)

He named the post because after hesitating to make an entrance, at the end I am left with none. Within a few hours I go to hospital for a few days and did not want to leave you with the bad taste of not having nothing to reflect.
reading the newspaper, watching TV or listening to the radio only leave troubles of crisis, death, destruction, accidents and countless long situations that do not help at all when thinking about bringing children to this rotten world we live. At the same time, those who already have children, we think that if this continues, what will be for them. With this in mind I wanted to make an entry into thinking all those with children and no, that enseñariais your children from falling in so many bottomless pits of misery and hardship so, or not having the rejection of a society that is competitive, wild and above all else: CRUEL.
For my part, I leave some stuff, now you say what you think and also if you want to add yours. Here you have mine:
-To learn that the most valuable is not what they have in their lives but who have in their lives.
"To learn that it is not good compared with others because there's always someone better or worse than them.
"To learn that they can not make anyone love them, what they can do is be loved.
"To learn that" rich "is not the most are, but who needs the least.
"To learn that it should control their attitudes or their attitudes will control.
"To learn that there are people that you love them, but simply do not know how to prove it.
"To learn that great dreams do not require great wings but a landing gear to achieve.
-Learning is not always enough to be forgiven by others, sometimes have to forgive themselves.
"To learn that happiness is not just luck but the product of decisions.
"To learn that two people can watch the same thing and see something totally different.
"To learn that, to retain the power to the people they love, the more quickly away them and to let go, have them forever at his side.
-To learn to love and love are not synonymous but antonyms: the demands wanting everything, gives everything to love.
"To learn that it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy.
post may seem a sad, but no. Look at it like we still have time to fix something for what we have left to live and those who precede us. Greetings from Tauri and good weekend in the umbrella and meditating ...


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