Thursday, December 30, 2010

United Airlines License Plate Holder

happy Christmas and New Year!

Hi princesses and princes do not know how much I've missed, long ago had written but not always read them, come to congratulate them and wish them well NEVER GIVE UP! Will write soon, thank you very much for their comments, I wish you Merry Christmas and a New Year free of fat, thin and full of goals met, that they can pass very well be very happy and God bless

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Germany Belly Punching

My experience # EBE10

This year had to be after my failed experience of late last year (with the bag in his hands and all). Could not be from the first day for work but in the early hours on Saturday and was accredited and ready for the experience; laptop plugged in and connected phone by an intense morning of presentations (2 of them in English). People after the party on Friday was not the work so early but soon the screens hanging my netbook and phone began to take a frantic life with notifications via Twitter, I could hardly follow them and every minute as more people entered the vast main hall was more bulky, plus it had parallel sessions in two other rooms which could be followed in streaming via Twitter ... crazy. As crazy as I had gone with the intention of devirtualize to more people while still talks and presentations: useless.
At 12 and a half I had my first desvirtualización ... penalty, the first impression: "Does this guy is an asshole or something?" After a successful phrase @ pixelillo and if I realized that Basque was not, is that @ blogdebori was recently lifted, hahaha. In the morning I take out a phrase from the first chat and it was repeated enough then "failure need not be negative, it's just proof that we wrong and we must think of another option, the second part (in English) I prefer the presentation of geolocation Robert Barr, is a guy who knows how to reach the public and link things without seeming heavy. The story put with English punctuality was 25 minutes of conversation and took it while only about one to say goodbye, great.
In the afternoon I'll take Jericho Pilar, a woman who can take the audience on streets in their talks, threatened her dialectics. Then we were able to attend a talk by Antonio Fumero that apart from most of the tweets that appeared on screen were betting on how many unfollows going to win, I drew the conclusion that, as said earlier "When I proposed what I knew not to talk" because, he created the controversy that led him to fill only a hollow time and weathered the storm.
On Sunday I was in Ayuso and Glass (to be tested) and heard Piscitelli dissertation with a clear idea in mind: the organization had to have moved in order to Fumero. My general opinion has been very good but also affirm as many of those present that the organization would have to schedule more blogs agenda as this year has become much SEO, CEO and commerce in the network. My return home was to the satisfaction of having been at an event of which I learned many things and met interesting people.

PS: This has been my opinion of the event, the other version of my personal EBE "the find in my other blog or is it that you believed that I was going to put here? Nooooo, lol here you have the link to Periquillo even appears in the column updated blogs.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Are Private Career Training Loans Deductible


This entry is dedicated wings are girls ANA as a game
ANA IS GREAT BUT NOT THE WANNABE "ana I became a princess"

want to be Ana or Mia because it urges to lose weight? Before you decide to make a decision, which may be wrong, "you must answer the following questions:

* Want to wake up every day and hate you and wish that your life does not exist?
* Want to scream every time you see on the scale because you have not fallen enough to be perfect?
* Do you want to stand in front of a mirror, and mourn and stick and rasguñarte and pinch and cut your skin because you're just disgusting?
* Want to feel you're dying of hunger but you can not eat because you would become fat?
* Want to see your face have dark circles?
* Want to ruin your teeth?
* Do you want to dream that you commit suicide every night because you hate and can not keep living like this, being so horrible?
* Want to feel helpless because they can not control your thoughts of hatred for yourself?
* Do you want to see how all your friends eat everything in the offseason and you do not eat anything?
* Do you want all your school starts to talk to you and tell you and make jokes about your anorexia?
* Want people who you have hurt and you're offered a piece of bread?
* Do you want your teachers care about you and take you to speak with the psychologist at your school?
* Do you want to call your parents to talk about your illness?
* Want that all you watch?
* Do you want to risk any failures that produce health eating disorders (osteoporosis, amenorrhea, fainting, weakness, falling and thinning hair, hair on your face to develop ...)?
* Want to die? If

you can answer yes to each of these questions, you better get out, you better walk away before the consequences can be horrific. What I want is less healthy girl Ana becomes my fault. If you just want to lose weight for your birthday, or because you're going to the beach I recommend you go to a nutritionist and they give you a healthy diet, because not only lose weight, you lose everything.


* Gastritis Chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
* Deficit of leukocytes (white blood cells): what makes you more vulnerable to infection.
* malabsorption syndrome by "small smooth": lack of minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc) and multivitamins.
* Anemia occurs when red blood cells is below normal and this makes you more prone to infections, diseases and medications.
* Lack of platelet without platelet your blood does not clot well and can not face bleeding (which may be caused during the self-mutilation:) self injury!)
* Abnormal EEG: I did not know they were, but if they are related to criminal behavior.
* Psychosis is a disorder of reality that involves sudden changes in an individual accepts what is real and what is not.
* Endogenous Depression: is the depression that appears without cause.
* Neurosis: is related to personal factors and is characterized by anxiety, fear and obsessions.
* manic-depressive psychosis: a mental affective syndrome, which is also known as bipolar (we all know that bipolarity is not?)
Some studies have shown that people with anorexia decrease their gray matter in the brain (which is where there are more neurons) and increased volume of cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid found in the brain). Ojo these are preliminary studies.
* Arrhythmias, supraventricular and ventricular - branch block H. Hiss.
* Bradycardia. Decreased
heart size.
* mitral valve prolapse, depending on the degree of severity, is a major cause of sudden death, along with arrhythmias caused by other mechanisms.
* Hypotension.
* Some degree of heart failure.
* Polycystic ovaries, infertility, severe acne - increased hair - alopecia androgenization.
* Osteoporosis (decreased bone density): pathological fractures trend for malnutrition
* Deficiency of thyroid hormones, which causes decreased basal metabolism.
* Disorder in regulating insulin production: curves abnormal glucose tolerance.
* Alopecia (hair loss)
* Acne.
* Pale-yellow and dry. * Amenorrhea

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How To Play Hard Drive On My Tv


When one is faced with important decisions that will greatly affect your personal life or family always comes the fear irrational or rational, depending how you look, think if you're doing well, if everything will be okay, if not send something that will come to ruin everything we have prepared before taking the path we follow.

The term indecision we can easily find in the dictionary and lexically know what it means. But honestly, does anyone think that going to solve the anxiety felt in that moment? Of course not, a definition always leads to knowledge is not the solution, but it is always a good start, we know what a cold and can cause but the dictionary does not tell us to take to remove it and it happens also with moods. You can search for external support through specialist as my friend Mertxe Pasamontes guidelines that will psychological states to follow the person to remedy the problem.

I thought today is because those who follow me regularly on my twitter account knows that I am now at the crossroads of buying a house, the most natural thing in our society but presents a state of indecision and stress the person I know to this day: What I buy, the cheaper, more expensive, less money needed reforms, and then I get amendment or amendments, and then I go ...? There are infinite possibilities and that not going to find a bank to give you what you want, registration paperwork and assessments ... And all this to end one day sitting on the couch in your new home with your family and wondering if everything was worth it and even when you will be paying, or even worse, if you are able to pay full. Bottom line: Undecided. The word that I use as title for a post that does not know if I should have done because I do not know if this will help me take out stress or nerves get worse for ... Indecision by giving the post or delete button and write about the hackneyed 29 day strike. The truth is that all have one final hesitation: "To take the ass everything I do and that is what has to be that we'll think about how to get out if things go wrong" ... well, I give the button publish and that's it for today from my vantage point at the moment is my truck in the middle of Badajoz, greetings.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lady Dancing In Red Dress On Beach

VIVA MEXICO! but not food

today is September 16 and since last night in my country we celebrate the independence of Mexico for what it is all celebration, music, dance, alcohol and especially a lot but a lot of food I survived the hard-lol I leave a few videos to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I had to endure eating these days and no wonder they feel like ehhhh jajaja is to see that our effort is worthwhile and not have all that fat and guilt from eating all that greasy food and the result will look when we reach our goal encourage princesses! I leave weight table according to ANA kisses

Height (m) Kilograms

1.50 -> 38
1.53 -> 39
1.54 -> 40
1.55 -> 41
1.58 -> 42
1.60 -> 44
1.63 -> 45
1.65 -> 46
1.68 - > 47
1.70 -> 48
1.73 -> 49
1.75 -> 50
1.78 -> 51
1.80 -> 52

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Which Is A Stronger Acid Trichloracetic

Spanish aid

since I arrived almost live via Twitter news of the release of our donors by Al Qaeda was already thinking of this post and would have to do it quickly before it happened so already beginning to happen. Return to hear and discuss about everything that happened gilipollezcamente sacándole all points and for having, the gratifying fact of the release of aid workers probably will open a political course after the summer because the media through press has already begun. Those who follow me know that I have a political ideology related to any party of those who currently make up the socio-political landscape of this country or any other (I am an anarchist utopia) and that is why there will be things that disappoint me or I sympathize of any politician. But ravings about the topic, two people have taken nine months thinking every day that every minute you were alive was a minute to think about the next minute, that they will not ever forget them psychologically until the end chase of his life.
My thoughts and is coming a little late for not having enough time to make before, while writing I've seen the Reader via a national newspaper is proclaiming that the government has paid 8 million for the release of aid workers. Let's see ladies and gentlemen: And who gives a shit if you have paid 8 or 6 or whatever, what matters is that they killed and they are with their families, "those meddlesome assholes have ever been to work in an NGO? Anyone who complained should send payment by law in your holiday to Ethiopia, Mali or simply to help all the homeless that abound in our cities and towns, to see if they realize that by having a plate food on the table and others do not matter and are thus because they want to or because of their governments (of course these thoughts are released into the bar to shake off the track and have a pretext for doing nothing). Two people have been released, yes, but those two people, along with the other cooperating released months ago, were carrying out humanitarian work in a country where only drink a few drops of water must be miles to a well whose water safe anyone here who used to drink the tap water or bottled and comes up with a designation of origin. A little, just a little, conscience we would see the work that the NGOs cooperating in all without exception, are of ideology may be, is something that if put in a balance of cooperation only one day be worth more than a month of work in our day to day and you try to discuss it at any time close to a soup kitchen and help feed, sure he would drop the sticks the sunshade and do not speak the same after the experience. Cooperation is not a queen or a dignitary or celebrity taking into his hands a black for the photo and that request financial assistance, no cooperation is lend a hand at the expense of our vacation, and work through anonymous contributions and expense of our sweat and our health many times to go to places where diseases are not the flu that is passed with paracetamol and ibuprofen; and I reiterate it's ours because ours is the effort we should do, the leaders are lost in bureaucratic roles and what they promise never reach 50%. Concienciemonos cooperating with all scattered throughout the world and give them the consideration they deserve, do not give medals to Panolis say excited and then use them to open their doors for easy money, let's give medals to those who deserve them really to give part of their lives unselfishly to pick up emotions and satisfactions of work done with commitment, no pressure. I kneel down before them all like kings and praise for the work they do and give a fuck if they are paid or unpaid rescue, who are still alive and can continue with its work has not price. Thanks for being there.

PS will remove consciousness after I have only put the sad note just giving a slap on the wrist to cooperating Vilalta, cross podreis me of what you will but I'm on the moral need to know, but there who would seem inappropriate. Vilalta Lord, after having a heavy heart for his misfortune with his partner for months and all your family, friends and a whole country awaiting their fate (and after the implementation of a French citizen) how dare you go to all of us in Catalan when I was listening to all the whole country? Look, I can understand that in Catalonia Catalan is spoken as in Galicia Galician is spoken but you was not directed only to the Catalans but to all the English people had expected his return safe and sound, seemed to be a lack of respect for those who live in other parts of Spain and Catalan do not understand, I can say that with the excitement and so did not notice or whatever you see fit, but I personally do not ever enough, I expected hear him all his excitement at being released and only heard a voice cold and without feeling that merely translate their words but without conveying any sense. I hope so I read these lines or get their echoes take this into account in the future. Thanks

Friday, August 20, 2010

Milena Velba Foto Nuda



"Do not obsess with the scale, Weigh yourself once a week to see the resultados.Usa the same scale and Weigh yourself before breakfast.
- Take into account the woman's weight varies in the menstrual cycle.
- Take a water Vazo before lunch or dinner.
- 8 glasses of water daily to help maintain skin hydrated and help you lose weight.
- Avoid eating late at night.
- Exercise is also a lot.
"Eat at most 1000 calories a day.
"Do not buy junk food, true that if you eat that crap come down soon.
"Stay busy to not think about eating. "Put
when you achieve goals and reward yourself with something you like except food.
-Count the calories that you eat and record in a notebook so you do not pass. "Put the TV
where women or men go admire for his physical. Come
-front so when people say that there may not eat.
-Enjoy the feeling of hunger.
-eat gelatin diet
-Avoid eating after six in the afternoon as metabolism is slowed by preparing for sleep.
"When you go take the money, otherwise you'll be tempted to buy food.
-Learn to love the feeling in the stomach vacio.Creeme is better to feel full.
-Dilute the juice. Rather than take a normal juice, put half water to dilute. You can reduce up to 85 calories per cup.
-Pay for sweet gifts. If someone gives you a sweet, put a coin of 10 pesos in a boat, then give that money to someone in need. It'll cost more to take candy "gifted" when in fact you are paying a price for them. Study
-wrapper. At first glance it looks like a sweet or chocolate has, for example, 200 calories but if you look closely, almost everyone brings two servings, you have twice as many calories.
-Drink green tea before exercise. The caffeine frees fatty acids, making you burn fat faster. And the antioxidants in tea, along with caffeine helps you burn calories faster. (If you have high blood pressure is not good that take you). -Avoid
diet milkshakes. Only temporarily save calories, because then you get hungry as you like and eat more.
-Dinner at home. Dining in restaurants five or more days a week can make you fat (at least eat 300 calories more per day).
-butter substitutes. Put olive oil bread instead of butter is healthier and takes away a little hungry, so you eat less.
-Use flaxseed powder. Flaxseed is high in fiber, helps you quickly sated and cut calories.
-low-calorie dressing (20 cal. And 1.5 grs. Of fat). Mix a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, ¼ teaspoon of olive oil and ¾ teaspoon of mustard.
-Become a blood test. One in 12 women (most do not know) have a thyroid problem, which can cause your metabolism to slow.
-Trick your taste buds. Suck a mint or eucalyptus can help you take away the cravings.
- Season your meals. Use much spice in your meals, can help you stop eating sooner. -Have a cocktail
white. Like water, low fat milk fills your stomach, and as it also contains carbohydrates, makes you eat less.
-chopped salad. Cut pieces of lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, etc, into chunks (rather than shredding or cutting small), I find it harder to chew large pieces, then it is more likely to chew more and eat less.
-Talk on the phone to a friend. Fills the vacancy to talk, not cookies.
-Point what you eat. Write what you eat can help you have more control, not have to be super accurate, but writing helps more or less know what you've eaten on the day and control you.
-Use cooking spray. To prepare salad, chicken, fish or pasta, use cooking spray, preferably olive oil. A spray of 2 seconds of oil (spray) distributes approximately ½ teaspoon of oil, compared with 2 or 3 three that you'd have to put if not sprayed. This saves you about 100 calories.
-Buy in small lots. The larger package of food you buy, the more you eat. Practice
-intervals. When you go for a jog, increase your speed on the final lap. This helps you burn more calories without lengthening the time you exercise. It also helps strengthen your muscles and bones.
-measures the amount of food. It's easy to pass you hand eating, for example, pasta. So before you start eating, measure the amount of what you eat, so do not eat much.
-reflects your choices. Look in a mirror while you're eating, it's help you consume from 22 to 32% less.
"Drop and do 10. Before you open the bottle of snow or chocolate in your hand, let him aside and do 10 sit-ups. It is very likely that you do sprints and more until you forget what you were going to eat.
-food smells. Whenever you want some cookies that much just to prepare at home, try this: Focus on the scent for about 30 seconds, then place a small piece on the tip of the tongue for another 30. Savor the aroma and taste can help you eat no more than a cookie.
-like soup with chunks of vegetables. If you eat soup with large pieces of vegetables, you get tired and you are filled faster than if you eat a little or a cream soup without chunks.
-absorbs the fat. With a paper towel you can get rid of about a teaspoon of oil (or 40 calories and 4.5 grams of fat), two pieces of pizza.
-Eat "heavy." The calories and fat grams of the food is not what fills you up, but the weight of the food. Eat less and feel satisfied with heavy foods but low in calories (oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, cooked spinach, broccoli, etc).
-Opt for fish. Different varieties of fish are rich in omega-3 (fatty acids), which can help you burn calories by making your metabolism work. People who diet that includes fish diet, lose 20% more weight than those that make a diet without fish.
-inspired. If you bring a good pace and eating healthy food, and do not want to get out, you can put name cards in different places in your home (including refrigerator and pantry) with messages like: "Nothing tastes better than the feeling of being thin" " Do not be overcome by a simple cookie. "

Monday, August 16, 2010

No Cd Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum

Freed at Last Supper EASTER

late 2008 and following my knee operation definitely raised me to open my personal space on the Internet. It was early 2009 when it came to light that now read my blog, a vantage point from which to send messages of opinion that made you see things in a more serene than this world we live Today we have played lots and has become stressed, poor slaves grapes provided a way of life so competitive that psychologists and sociologists do not know how to find a general solution even if their queries are filled with people of all ages looking for a meaning to their lives and end up consuming antidepressant substances that become moral support. I do not mean to be the universal panacea that through this blog, cure all psychological and social ills, my mission is to provide a more serene view of what happens to us every day, this view that most people think but does not say because today more interested in confrontation to prove who has more power of conviction and who sets the rules of the game.

I spent some time in dry dock for my return to everyday work and made me a little emotionally unstable (not for work, but by the change of pace), I have maintained contact through mainly twitter and facebook, but I had forgotten blog. In all this time I have missed writing ideas, but a lazy nonsense I suppressed an attempt to start typing. I think it was a psychological slump to me with many things to do and little time material, somehow I have fallen into precisely what I intend to eliminate from this blog.

But all we can replenish them less than death, and that's why I came back slowly regain my composure lost for months and will now write again with the same enthusiasm that he believed lost and not was only underlying latent in me waiting for time to return, to be reborn, to rise.

I'm back ...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Kitchenaid Refrigerator Leaking Water

princesses finally writing Hello I hope I have missed you lol, if I missed them but I promise to be more the slope of the blog and write at least once a year is not it ...??? lol I'll do once a week, I realized that I have commented and visited lots of princesses THANK new hope to reach their goals, to you I leave the dictionary and princesses who have more time I leave UNTIL THEN thinspiration "WOW AND VAN OVER THANK YOU FANS 100 "

: A person with anorexia.
MIA : A person with bulimia. ANA
WANNABE: a person who does not have anorexia, but wishes to have.
BULIMINOREXICA : person alternating periods of anorexia and bulimia. RESTRICTIVE
MIA: A person having all the characteristics of a bulimic but also fast and restricts food. ANA
PURIFICATION : anorexic although not usually do, if exceding vomit or being forced to eat.
BMI: Body Mass Index BMI
: same BMI, but the letters are in English.
Pro Ana / Pro Mia : Yes No the ED.
ED: Eating disorder (eating disorder) DA also called in English. Binge
: binge eating or bingeing. PURGE
: Induce vomiting. SELF-INJURY
: Self-mutilation
THINSPIRATION : Inspiration thin or anorexic someone who gives us strength to reach our goal.
TIPS: Tips for achieving your goals. NEGATIVE CALORIES
: Are the calories in some common foods to digest that your body uses more calories than it contains the food, I mean it burns more than it eats.
orthorexia ; obsession for healthy food. VEGAN
: A person who does not consume any food of animal origin.
BIPOLAR : mood that fluctuates between two phases, one of great happiness and deep depression.
manic : Characterized by excessive mood, hyperactivity, decreased need for sleep so depressed phase
: crying, listlessness, depression, suicidal thoughts, diet changes etc. OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER
. Disorder anxiety that is characterized by obsessions (unwanted impulses or images) and compulsions (repetitive rituals to relieve anxiety) EJ: Excessive fear of germs = washing hands every half hour.
PANIC ATTACKS: Repeated periods of fear and unrest occur without cause accompanied by a rapid heartbeat
COMPULSIVE EATER: A person can not stop eating even though this is not hungry or satisfied, unless there is a medical condition fisica.Suele frequent binge and then have a sense of guilt and depression. IMC
: body mass index.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Clave Sound Blaster X Fi Mb

thinspiration and prevents hunger dictionary

Neytiri (I'll miss you much)
TRABANQUITA http://misstrabanqueta.blogspot MISS YOU . com /

I can not nominate only 7 princesses for this award as it not fair that I follow all the princesses (who are the same as me still) deserve this award for their mutual support, so this award Copy is for you all and thanks for reading

Well now I will tell you 7 things I did not know about me:
** I have a phobia of thunder may sound a bit strange (now dropping and I have wanted tormentone run because my computer is next to the window and the rays are very strong and I have fear lol) **
I enjoy reading books and watching vampire movies, in my imagination there but in the not really (I love the story) **
hate people hypocritical, ignorant, which has no identity, it is not authentic, that speaks ill of you behind your back and rascista. **
I like her sincere people who have fixed goals, which is not undecided, he is faithful, loyal, genuine, out of hand and support you in good times and bad times. Bailo
daily x ** I love doing
** eat chocolate every day and hate it but it's my guilty pleasure haha \u200b\u200b
** I'm about to finish high school (though due to having completed two years ago haha)


* clight make a jar (envelopes to make flavored water) and drink it throughout the day as each pitcher .... this is less than 30 calories and 0% sugar .... and the fact that water will fill you I have taste and you take away the desire to comer.lo are always on the super where they sell tangs ... and all those things to make instant flavored water ...
* when you feel a craving for something like chocolate making an ice and tricks the palate sucking and imagining it's that much desired chocolate .... it works ...
* when you feel a craving for something to wash your teeth with mouthwash will give ... so lazy to wash after wearing them and also if you eat something disgusting and I will know you'll have to leave.
* when you're in your house and give you a hunger strike esque best go out and give you a turn or fencing with a friend to talk to forget the craving.
* say that drinking green tea is very good because it removes the hunger .. Deplano
* if you get hungry before the first fill of water ..... so eat something super light to fill you water also removes the elderly ....
* Do things you like to distract you.
* Exercise off hunger, takes away the depression and relieves all tension Anything more to ask? * Create pages
pro ana, visit it, will make you look thinspiration distracting and you will not want to eat to see your favorite model. * Purchase Chiclets.Debes
keep your bag full of Chiclets SUGAR FREE! Remember to change every week or every so often the taste of chichet xqt bored and go on with d want to eat ... If a new taste tests always be like eating a candy t be satisfied ... * Drink lots aguaaaaa
! PLEASE TAKE GALLON! Q if t T assure the raisins taking liters of water and eating chewing gum t not give an iota of hunger ...
* Antojito d ice cream?
If you want to eat ice cream a little juices prepare the clight and put it in jars in the freezer and eat it when you are hungry ..
Like you do with the yogurt (fat) .. is super rich! the flavor you want .. but remember not to take more than 1 cup yogurt d daily. (I prefer cligth is not as rich but has not a calorie)
* If you can not stand the temptation to eat something, chew and spit but never swallow.
* If family meal, do not eat the day before. * Practice
waiting, whenever you want to say you will eat in 20 minutes have elapsed the 20 minutes I'll do it in an hour and so let time pass and do not eat.
* Consume foods with negative calorie effect.
* Eliminate these foods in your house cause you temptation.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pink Dots On Pregnancy Test Where Line Should Be

Never drop your head or your crown could fall

Perhaps many have been past that have been in and out of their struggles to reach their goals, have been removed from their posts and have returned, diets begin to become boring the falls become more consistent, make a fast is becoming more difficult, still have many kilos to lose but do not feel able to download them and depression invades how can they maintain their enthusiasm and strength to achieve their goals?
What happens after having been with ana for a period of time?
"Our forces are ending?
did you stagnate and achievements but I do not get ahead?
does each increasingly difficult to get back up and start again?
is it easier to surrender to follow even if it means "total misery?
Sometimes we find ourselves resting on our laurels.
We might have maintained our weight for a time.The external relations are perhaps better (are more accepted) but ....
What happened to that pink cloud feeling we had when we started a fast, when we create our own blog, when they exercised, while eating less, when we went over? was so exciting, everything was new and esperanzador.el control was our "Where did it euphoria?
may not be able to maintain the same feeling of ecstasy for ever, but we can find something even better - a joyful appreciation of life without overeating.
What steps can we take to keep that enthusiasm for life no matter how long
have fallen?
First we must remember what it was when we were at the bottom of our compulsion to
comida.Cuando obesas.La were more than despair and hopelessness were our constant companions. The frustration and anger we dominated. Life seemed hardly worth living it.
the key to maintaining our own happiness while bringing joy to others is sharing our experiences and talking about our progress and achievements but above our ongoing effort (hence creating this blog)
Demos other princesses in the hope that if we could they also can (especially to those who have been or are stuck in their weight, their depression and their falls constant, I say that I have read several princesses who are in this situation)
When a princess
asks "How are you going?" respond, "OK."
This is not an attempt to deny our reality. Rather, the simple act of state that we are well away from self-pity and makes us feel better. A positive life becomes seguir.Esto realidad.Nos gives strength to not eliminate the need for efforts and control the urge to storm the fridge hahaha, I read somewhere that life must be full of lágrimas.No have to be victims of pasado.podemos make this where ever we have more achievements in the future reach our goal.
How do you want to live? like a fat depressed or like a princess, the choice is yours.
THANKS FOR COMMENT AND FOLLOW THIS BLOG IS FOR Full of power and achieve our goals "IF YOU GIVE UP, my blog will not succeed" I LEAVE THINSPIRATION

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hamsa Braclets To Buy In Ireland


Never in my life accept that you Ana, this is a big mistake which sooner or later you will regret, as you begin to bother with therapy and never left alone.
* Say you're just watching over a little you do for health, that the myth that the fatties are healthy is just that a myth and that only those controlling the things you eat more because you will not suffer from diseases in your future.
* When you're at a party and offer you a soda or drink can say that I do not like soft drinks because you forbade it in the gym and you do not like to take and blabalabla.
* If you are invited to eat suggests better go to the movies or anything else, and definitely if you can not help but remember it is a trick that is very effective: FOOL THE VIEW OF OTHERS, commits two salad plates, they thought they ate a world when really what you consumed were less than 300 calories.
* Count the calories of everything and try to consume about 500 calories a day. * When you do not hold your stomach pains engañalo by drinking lots of water, never turn away from your water bottle. Dizziness
* To lie down in a dark, quiet and makes a sugar-free gum or low calorie candy, chocolate never because what he does is get worse.
* But you know how to get rid of your friends just tell them you already ate and these really full from the first moment you see them, now you have to go through them all day as I sometimes tell them that you ate a big breakfast that you no longer be even a bit more than bread and lunch tell them better lunches at home because if they eat at school or college then you go accompanied again in your home and go out and eat twice and did not want that, you'd rather wait.
* To spend time where magazines cut out for that Top Models thispiration serve you, you can also draw, chat a while, exercise .-
* Exercise is the only thing that can solve the so-called stagnation effect, thousands of hours doing exercise, as necessary, as it speeds up your metabolism and makes you lose weight faster.
* Di at home, which already eaten at school or college and vice versa.
* If you do not heed calls for respect and tell them not to get into your life.
* Try to eat in your room and put the food in a bag and hide it and then give it to your dog or if you have not already thrown away last option.
* If you say bad things do not listen to them is envy.
hunger * When you wear a hot water bottle in the stomach.
the princess I will not give up!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Masterbation In Swimming Pool


Hello princess I send this post that I liked a lot when I read where they come to see us more tricks THIN, I hope they serve. Using monochromatic colors
-Stay outside the range of patterns and different colors is a good idea not to call attention to the area you want disimular.Por So try not to use more than two colors at once.
Do not wear loose clothing, loose clothing does not hide imperfections, but on the contrary, the highlights. It is best to wear the right size that fit you well, but you is not too tight. Use accessories-
distracting accessories of imperfecciones.Así to use eye-catching bracelets or necklaces, or a brooch, hiding the imperfection you want to hide. Use
Choose low-waist pants that have "weight", ie those with low waist and smooth with the front and no pliegue.Una lower waist helps to lengthen the legs. Wear long pants, no cut on the ankle but in the foot. Use low-
belts belt use can help you stylize the silhouette and longer legs. Use them on your hips.
can use either cigarette pants and bell-You can use this type of pants that always accompany the top with a long jacket.