Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nasal Polyp After Tonsillectomy

Grrrr ..

holas .. disappeared a bit, and feel free to come and write a lot to blog ... was among study or write here ... did not want either, but of course I chose to write here ..
not understand what happens to me ... I start to isolate herself, from scratch, and it is not food, because I like it or not .. I would say normal eating more than usual, but hey, I'll start a hypocaloric diet but not me anxiety ... something, not because I do not care ..

now for example I'm crying .. and you know why?? SEEE ... NOOOO of course not seee ...
'm on the 3rd day of being ill and I have a humor that sucks, I cry at everything ... anything suits me, command all the crap, all I get nervous, do not talk to anyone ... kiero agtradezco to people who are always on the bench next to me and me the truth because it is very difficult ... my Jan hese states .. and all those people, is the bank!

finally shit .. do not know why I cry, but I'm sensitive and not because I want to pass that state because I hate it, because I like to give to people uan smile and a tear ..
indeed .. my mom told me yesterday that she loves to wake up every morning with a smile:)

I leave a kiss and disappear derrpente sorry I left without internt a couple of days ..

Then someone tells me how good I lookand
for a moment For a moment I am happy

But when I'm alone No one hears me cry

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Time Off Work Getting Over Chest Infection

chananana ...

Well girls I'll explain photo .... in exactly a month going to the UBA to enroll in architecture ... hahaha .. nerviosaaaaa toy hayyyy allllto cambiooo ... but found that when the year began repeating over and over that I could not wait for temrinar, could not bear ams school, she was tired, it was hell, suffering and more ??... well now, 3 months temrinarlo am in a state to say: NOOOO quierooo SECUNDARIAAAAAA COMPLETE ... well also be due to the change friendships I made there, but beyond that, no kiero finish my school career ... also say that anorexics have a huge fear to grow and mature ... the truth is not how true it is but Hopy in this time, I may be true .. haha \u200b\u200b...

another topic ... I'm spoon superchick Courage now ... gives me strength ¿?... post, is rare, but gives me some feeling and identification that I like ... I mean I never ate as much as I get my mama !!!!... now travel from Europe and brought sooooo candy (which I asked myself: s) and well I was eating a little of everything, but in normal food sima good .. and no I do not want mine and also I am against throwing food affectionate, good, only I I understand ...
hope I can control myself this whole week, I wanted to make a career of kilos but I think I can because I have jsuto parties and family gatherings are very difficult to fool so much .. I

the girls and thanks for the comments that leave me and the support they give me .. kisses and go well

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Womens Bottomless Party

Way ...

not which way to go ... not to do, sometimes I want something sometimes the opposite .. and who truly believed they were friends, I realize that nothing to do .. Once
I said, always trying to get away from everyone you hurt ..
why today I choose to get away from them, not if they knew it or not, nisikiera entering this blog .. if one day you remember me, I look kizas to know that is my life ... the truth, there CARE ABOUT ME ... sometimes the world can be such a liar.

I have wanted so much to hold on to increasingly recognize ana ams .. I'm sick ... sick from all this ... and that's when not to do ... because I see what I get, I see what I feel I realize all ... and yet I still want to leave ... so here is a lie what they all say that if you recognize what you get and you can heal ... a lie.

good girls I send a kiss and thanks for following

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pain Is Lower Back And Weeing Lots

not .. Feeeeelizzz

Usually when I start writing a post I have in mind some topic or something to tell ... but today is not so, I'm happy, but sad ... I feel like my heart has thorns, and the hurt them out, therefore I feel that although things are arranged, there are other, sometimes resulting in pain ..

'm happy, and I am happy with Ana .. but you know what? DO NOT HAPPY TO THOSE AROUND ME ... I make them suffer, and I hate ... I can not stand ... but no, I'll be a bit selfish and I can not Ana, I can not because you might not want .. . because it makes me well because I'm eating destroyed ... that I am filled with something that hurts me ..

and if I feel more alone than ever ... alone ONLY SO-LA ..

but I'm tired of going back to the people ... I'm going to kedar here for a moment I'll stay quiet without saying anything, and the other at some time in life to realize that I stayed. .. and I come to speak ...

other hand, I do not want yetear but makes for a week I come without anxiety, 29 hours fasting was completely full ... and the other days were semi fasts cooooon esepcion 100/150 calories ... a day was the birthday of my best friends from school and promised not to vomit ... and so was:), I was proud of it .. anyway, despite me today and get 1 kilo 800

I think and maybe sometimes I wish I could eat normally and not feel bad ...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blood Mucas Before Period


eaeaeaeaea sorry today is September 5th birthday was yesterday and Honey Miss Angel ... I apologize that I could not login yesterday scheme up felt very bad, dizzy, pressure low, I could not go to my drawing classes so here I could not even Apsaras by the pc ...
but hey here I am dedicating a beautiful entrance, and saying that I love to infinity that helps me every day, to congratulate you for all your efforts, nothing, I wish him the best birthday ever, I believe that 5 years, this is it!


another issue ..
dfkghlkxdhjslidh ana ... ... ... jksdfghklsfghlkj
mine that I recently had lunch one kanikama, 15 calories ... and before yesterday ahyer and consumers as muuuucho 150 calories, I am coping with the thing ... no em attacks are giving, but normal food vomiting: S. .. not everything, but if I feel I ate more lettuce, I and vomiting .. no ue entiendoq wave, the more I want out, but I'm stuck ...

I leave a kiss good grandeee

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Canadian Driver Templates

So tired ... tired of my

I'm tired of it ... not how much time I went back to desepcionar ... I returned to realize that everything I propose I can not fulfill .. . is like the 6th time I'm determined to get away from all this and what happens? .. .. I always come back ... no way, from I said I was determined to get away, I think throwing up around 3 or 4 times ... and they were not binge eating normal food was eh ... ... tuna, 3 or 4 cookies, things trnaqui, dietary always ... but not, tolerate esque not have a full stomach, belly bloated like a toad ... I swear I look in the mirror and it's like that hate me, make me want to break the mirror to stop me ... not do you understand me ... ... but this is the mirror phobia .. grrrr ...
am very tired, devil, I have no strength to eat ... I have no desire for anything, my head hurts, throat, cough ... I have to be me ..
and as I said last post, I'm full, and I'm happy with all aspects of my life ... except with that? me! ... obvious ... I'm always wrong finally got me ... all I wanted, but still can not get to be skinny ... then I realize that ana and mia were simply not to make me forget my problems ... but it also because I want to be skinny. .. Hayyyyyy
no longer need or want ... a fast yaaaaa forces fill me!
good girls and let them ... grax x seguirmeee besosss .. Cyclothymic PD