Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hives On Feet And Ankles

Pact social responsibility: For a real human network

Because in the era of globalization who have access to the network are only 24% of world population, for 5,100 million people do not have Internet access, because we are not society, but only part of it, because we will not be an elite, because we do not feel privileged, because we do not generate more invisible and excluded, we, the citizenry surfer we demand a firm and decided to end the social and digital divide. We call a true social pact responsibility to supranational bodies, mainly the UN and the EU, and central governments, regional and local political parties, the mass media and social enterprises, to NGOs and the public at large to:

  • access to information and knowledge, and technological tools is a universal right protected by applicable local, state and supranational, and underpinned by the public.
  • That right is not monopolized by those who create, serve and manage the resources, tools and the works themselves, not a concession to those who are recognized a privilege payment of services and tools to access global knowledge.
  • Information Society and Knowledge is constructed considering social, prioritizing key issues such as education, solidarity, pluralism and integration. Evil is the Information Society and Knowledge if you just think how few may take up and manage and monetize the power, if only there are economic reasons, billing, marketing, leisure and entertainment,
  • Stop the exclusion of millions of people in the real world and the network of networks. Because they all are at high risk of absolute invisibility. People who suffer exclusion can make them visible in everyday life and also here in the Red Network. Demos
  • access, tools and visibility to those who mediate between the affluent society and the needy. We stopped
  • inbreeding in Internet dangerous and dissociation growing online ecosystem for the world real. Because we see a rapid disengagement of the issues that do not relate directly or indirectly to the network and its members.
  • mass media and traditional media and the blogosphere take a joint commitment to social responsibility. We mistake if we think of imposing a single thought instead of seeking dialogue to bring together actions to ensure progress in the welfare state, cohesion and sustainability.
  • Journalists regain social and ethical responsibility to be assumed to journalism. Difficult to build an Information Society and Knowledge with noise, confusion and misinformation. We rigor and more and better social information.
  • think all social perspective. Think social key is to think of universal Internet access and all the technological tools, but so is giving visibility and space to groups and real-world problems, pressure in the physical world and on the Internet for us to stop the mass suicide of climate change so that all people have universal access to healthcare, education and information so that no one lacks food or water, so that all people have the right to housing and decent work, and remuneration just for their work, to respect the labor rights of women, minors, persons seniors, immigrants, displaced persons and refugees, the sick, the minorities, local communities, of all races, languages \u200b\u200band cultures, and our natural environment. Thinking about key social and act accordingly in the physical world and the Internet. Shut
  • economic gaps, generational, cultural, gender, geographic and technological.

Deliver to build a real human network. Because each person excluded in the real world and the online ecosystem is a failure of all of us.

I joined because I think they were right. I hope the compartais. Greetings from Tauri ...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Shocking Diaper Punishment

manifesto in defense of the rights of Internet Vs Anti-Piracy Law Apology

Not that the blog has risen from anti-piracy law or the show is that it has agreed that the first issue to address is this.

"Anti-Piracy Law? Ha ha ha ... But in that country believe that we live "in China? Gentlemen, the first pirates there are politicians, nothing more than have to take a brief look at the headlines of the news to see the "faux hand" in the coffers of the municipalities and institutions groups. Should legislate to most people but no, they are coupled with a bunch of pirates. Wow, did I mention pirates? Let's see if I go and complain for not having washed his mouth before saying it. " If a CD costs 20 euros in the shops, the record company is bagged almost 35% (about 7 euros), the store 26% (about 5 euros) and the artist for 9%! (Less than 2 euros) per disk. The rest is divided between the distributor and VAT. Therefore, when claims against shock, it really is no industry and the artists who lose "(sic). us study the case: We assume the price and see that the industry takes 35%, it puts for recording media, "the store that sells it by 26% - What we sell if we know what we want and it is waiting to ask? - and, after distribution costs and taxes, it's true artist, who had the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing original work, and takes a 9% male-fucking, you are like the wretched of the countryside to the intermediaries are the ones that the prices of their products. My conclusion is that artists are the assholes who are responsible not only to create the work, if not to defend it tooth and nail while you take all the money (which should be those that provide the means of defense) rien cry watching their slaves to come the government to help shift spending millions on campaigns to defend the "legal? With the money from taxpayers. How do you tell this to a modest employer asking for help and give to the door in his face? Why fight campaigns and companies do not bear as a company but they are? Do we take for asshole or is that really what we are, and it hopeless?

Manifesto "? Come on! You have fallen victim of the same that you face. The manifestos have always been the weapon of artists and politicians when they have tried to position on something. In the trenches! That is where to go. Gentlemen, we are crossing of thieves, pirates and other scum! Where is the English blood? (Ostia, that this phrase is accused of Franco. Well, no it off). The presumption of innocence do I think? That is a right of every citizen of a democratic country, I say this because in Spain when a son of a bitch gives a shot in the head by someone called "alleged murderer" even when they had done in the middle of the street, in broad daylight and before his family on occasion. Now who is going to cross to be a criminal for having fallen "Dance Movie" to see it in my house if it is an American movie that shit is not worth a drive? However, in a week I went to see "Always by your side "," Christmas Carol "and" New Moon ", I spent about 60 euros on tickets for my family and nobody is going to congratulate me for it, but I'm still me, the pirate network.

In my blog I always give my personal opinion that seeking consensus and use the ratio of men I think we are: rational. That is why I think that here there are many vested interests and bring them my findings today with reflective spots that should lead to the conclusion that the only issue that suggests is that the war must be between artists and citizens (the last monkeys) while record companies are shoving and governments to make the bed to the rich and powerful. Reflect:

· Labels are businesses. Why defend the government while others such as shipyards closed and over?

· If artists are Currito SGAE "is the union? The unions are fighting for the rights of Curritos against the company, not against the customers (that would lead to immediate closure)

· cry and cry while in the last year have increased the audience to theaters in more than 2 million and, ironically, thanks to record sales over the Internet, have increased profits by several million as well. Is this not a sign of recovery and lower the unemployment if?

· as you know I never understood what they lose in the blankets, is that they control the business? To me it always made me think. We all know Sony, the overnight, sales broke the play that did not sell, how Where did the chip?

· So we geeks instead of a manifesto did not decide to give us all a low connection? If I say I'm a criminal for having access and use, for nothing, I am disconnected. When they are in bankruptcy Telefónica, Ono, Vodafone, ... the government will do its part and will force us to give us high because we bastards are going to turn out hundreds of thousands of workers. Which is it, peel it or sell?

· understand that the government has a difficult task, would be foolish to ignore "But before deciding anything should weigh all the pros and cons so that the law protects everyone equally. Closing pages or to require carriers to deny access connections to certain pages, the following will be the lobby of women prompted the closure of porn sites. What we would be seen on the Internet? Is Wikipedia? Then forget it. (Post it mentally, "why women rather than condemn it as coming out to see sluts sluts on the net do not fight because they have more pages to piggy guys they enjoy the view? ")

I to these points and many more that may arise to open a debate in which all opinéis regard. Took several days looking through the net and I see only one side positions and other conflicting and many absurdities. I do not know how many people actually read this post, but if you think that actually brings something new to leave the door open to all ideas would you give to him the most publicity through your blogs, word of mouth and by voting massively entry. Let's see if we manage to listen. After all this and send you my most cordial greetings from Tauri and I stand by the comment Jesus in this article says: " I ask you to do a thought: when they invented the printing press, governments encouraged its spread, just as the Internet has been promoted in all countries, recognize that it is inevitable, when the press began to spread critical ideas, they invented the Nihil Obstat and the Index of prohibited books, the approval of censors civil and religious, but both the former and disappeared over the years. The world of the Internet and downloads is anything like today, perhaps with new taxes and restrictions get something at the moment, it might be a losing battle, but war always win long term. For artists, the best thing is to stop creating, but renewed, that they removed the snack bar by the new winds that are obviously, have to resort to creative ingenuity to get out of the doldrums, they are creative right? So that, to imagine, not bleed the rest, but to survive like the rest, but no one can go against progress and the sovereign wishes of the people, or you have forgotten to delegate authority in our kings and politicians for us govern, not to tyrannize us. Certainly the people of the SGAE say that for my part, be calm, I'm not hacking or a disc of Ramoncín (jaramago a day) or Rosarillo (which I did not like when his mother tried to put it in show business and six years), as well as any other artist mediocrity, music and film artists Current English I disgusted. What this country where even the artists want to be officials (but not contested to). "

Monday, November 23, 2009

Basque People Look Like

This post is for, as the statement, apologize to all my fans and people who read me regularly by them as abandoned for almost a month. Actually it was not for lack of desire to update the blog, but my social mood and I have kept when not in a way, otherwise the power to publish something on this blog where I have always sought the shelter of the words soothe my mind and my soul reflected in her thoughts and reflections that lead us all to bear the burden of our existence from a perspective less visceral and more leisurely. I have gone together current issues which could have spoken, but do not worry because just to take a quick glance at any newspaper, television news feed or subscribe for sure that I find to talk about or say.
After a long period off work (not the crisis, but low), also I returned to my job in this week, all this and my return to the studios have reduced my time lately to the point of not having a moment of calm before the screen and give you know my thoughts, which does not mean that the have had.
back soon I promise to write about everything that I know you waiting impatiently to see the point of view of this humble thinker. Thanks for your patience, see you soon and greetings from Tauri ...

Monday, October 26, 2009

How To Set 3 Digit Lock In Vip Suitcase

Villablog, Concerning the blogosphere is dead Aguilé

Villablog came and went just as he left. But Now we have the taste of everything that happened in one day. So much interesting, fun, Wow, that heat! ... Over a hundred people together to make common cause in the world of blogs, the first experience of this kind is not to falter in any way, and I think that was clear even before the event took place.
My personal experience? As the first is the same as going on a trip with family or friends and bring the video camera, is that not see anything, haha \u200b\u200b... Man, nothing nothing no. What happens is that when you're the moderator of the event you have to give way to all the speakers and stuff and it turns out that the speakers do not sit with you and the display screen catch you from behind, because the truth you see little, we all (thankfully laptops where the talks were projected itself was caught in front of me and I did not miss at all). As an organizer within a homogeneous group as I am that do not fit in the shoes, all post comments and attendees are hanging on their personal blogs are wonderful and I am thrilled because this really is the genuine appreciation, not telling you there "that it has been" and then if you've seen I do not remember. We are overwhelmed with such sweetness that now is when we really what we discussed in some meetings "to see if we are to give so much that next year will not overcome the bar tax, "but no, it has become clear that the event Villablog going to have a continuity, a life which promises a long and fruitful and said to me personally as an authority who attended the event" you have Rociana located on the map, but not only in physical but in all aspects, "you tell someone like that in your people and knowing that what you said from the shock of seeing so many people bound together in one project, that there are no words to define it.
My conclusion, though it may be subjective to be an organizer, is that happiness and satisfaction will not let me see beyond the happiness I feel to belong to this group of people that we undertook to prepare such an event size, and so little time. In closing let me say that everything that I've read so far (emotion after emotion) would like to review a sentence issued by that person so exquisite in manners and ideas so clearly (and was the first to arrive) is Mari Mar in his blog: "From here I want to thank you for having been able to convey all the excitement and positive energy ... that is what I have brought Rociana, in a world as cold as the Internet did you know you will give warmth" . Since you say that the heart does not fit you in the chest. Thank you all for wanting to become part of the family we've created. Greetings from Tauri until next year Villablog.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What Is Medallion Qualification Mile

Luis Mercedes Sosa

More than an opinion blog is to me more like an obituary page of any newspaper, but the truth is that this week we black that we have gone two of the great Latin artists. The case of Luis Aguilé nearest us is because since the early 60 lived in Spain and has not rested until the end of his days he was working on assembling a zarzuela in Madrid, where he has died at age 73 a cancer that has been corroding the inside until it without the life they fought so hard and made us enjoy.

I remember from childhood he had seen "the gentleman with a huge tie" singing When I left Cuba or the Work is a can even if there is good in its heyday is cachondísima Juanita Banana. It has been a symbol in the Latin American (Who does not remember his appearances on the legendary 300 million ?) And Spain are countless television appearances in which he has proved his worth on the stage always in a suit, sometimes striking , and its unmistakable ties big as himself. Looking back not much we realize that in the last five years more or less have been so many artists like almost fifteen. We seem, by age, in a time of completion of many lives that have been key between fifty and eighty mostly. To me the age I have known no longer have the time of the famous two television networks, but also see them in black and white (in my house went the color with the 82 World Cup held in Spain), I have known programs mythical first person in front of a glass of milk and a sandwich and I fell asleep watching the late night Christmas special which could not miss Luis Aguilar. Serve these lines to make my personal tribute to a person who, as it happened with Mercedes Sosa has been part of my life through his music and lyrics. Rest in peace.

addition would make clear that if the vast majority of their music is nice Luis Aguilé there was also a solidarity with the oppressed and critical of the institutions, which is why a blog like this could not pass up the opportunity to present the man and artist committed to putting this video of a song that has for years banned in some Latin American countries for their content. Content that makes us all think and clearly reflects all that comes with being elected as a representative of a people. Greetings from Tauri and reflect on the text ...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Can I Percing My Gf Nipple

Thanks, Thanks to life. Daughters of Zapatero

Nothing to say, nothing to write. Just to thank life for giving me the opportunity to have agreed a part of my life with a part of yours and so have learned first-hand history and world music. More and less.

Thanks to life which has given me so
gave me two eyes that when opened
perfectly distinguish black from white
And in the sky above, her starry backdrop
And in the multitudes the man I love
Thanks to life
me so much has given me
heard in all its breadth
/ night and day crickets and canaries
Martyrs, turbines, barks and squalls
And the tender voice of my beloved
life has given me so
given me sound and the alphabet
With him, words
think and speak Mother, friend, brother
And the light illuminating the path of the soul of my loved
Thanks to life which has given me so
given me walk with my tired feet
With them I have traversed cities and puddles
Beaches and deserts, mountains and plains
And your house, your street and your patio
Thanks to life which has given me so
gave me my heart that flutters in its
When I see the fruit of the human brain
When I see the good so far the bad
When I see the bottom of your beautiful eyes
Thanks to life which has given me so
has given me laughter and tears have given me
So I distinguish happiness and pain
The two materials you are my song
And your song is the same song
And the song of all is my own song
Thanks to life, thanks to life

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunflower Field In Waialua

or how to fall in what is criticized

When I began the journey of this blog I scored a policy guideline to follow: Do not talk about it. Says with a good friend, he told me that it was inevitable to what I said, it was assumed inevitable but from my perspective not marry anyone and my flirts with political issues would be summarized in "review political issues "do not talk directly about it. Previously there were other cases and is not going to be less. We go to the mess.
I have been amazed by the fuss that has been mounted the photo of the daughters of ZP. It turns out that the first cause it has been seen by himself (I think more has been stretched bound by the protocol). Taking my usual stance and those who follow my entries I know her all the garbage disposal media that has spread by television and political parties on whether this or that. Let the merits of the ladies and gentlemen: they take a picture of the daughters of the president of Spain and the chicken is mounted up to who paid for the trip for girls? How will we get in our degradation as human beings? "At this point they think it only criticize those who criticize the position of the father and how are the girls? Vais ready.
I do not worry those who criticize the other party, whether PP, journalists and others, the only thing they are right is that if the girls traveling with their father in an official visit and attend events or protocol and no one can Moncloa refuse to be photographed because as far as my understanding of Spain's dictatorship ended when he died the little gentleman Galician all of year 75 students are grateful for the three days of mourning that meant no school. This practice is in countries where there is often free, and I mean in general not only the much-touted freedom of the press. Now we can only wonder if the protocol is believed to veto true about the pictures, or if in fact what is searched for free publicity at the expense of girls Did not they know that because they go to the photo tour was inevitable? Do they think we are telos or we suck your thumb? Why go Obama's daughters and other official acts in photos? For this very reason, because they are official acts and photographic evidence they leave all the attendees (mostly because they are concerned at all that out in the photo with this and that). But my personal reflection beyond, leave behind the misery of the protocol that only serve to further clarify who still calls the shots depending on where you go out in the photo or sit at a table meeting. My thoughts find the person.
I have daughters and if I have something clear to them is that they must develop their personalities according to their tastes. Something completely different is the education they receive from their parents and teachers. In the present case have come to cross a zone of what is not wanted to show his daughters as they are and that has hurt me as a parent home with new ideals (not progressive) when education and socialization of children, Mr Zapatero, is that it looks good style of dress of their daughters? Because they hold and do not think for a moment that kicked myself for afford going Aviao as they say in my village. As a father reprimanded him for not supporting publicly the social position of their daughters. If your daughters are Gothic because that is what you get, like, punks or superpijas it does not matter are his daughters and who does not like it is going to take ... Why ass? No, that is homophobic, then to hell. Assume all of our own condition and that of others, and if we want that to be an important event and I can not wear that's a way of restricting freedom that characterizes the free-thinking human being apart from the freak that may represent some people. We better look the other way to find our own shame because as girls superpijas also known how well Obama dressed in acts of intimacy dad then are some revelers care, but that does not count. For all these reasons, Mr Zapatero and other "liberals", I very much like to respect the privacy of our children and want to protect them but as you said yourself "for once it", for that, and it's worth because of screaming the only thing that has raised the curiosity was that everyone wanted to see them, or has achieved the opposite effect. That's life and society in which we live. Greetings from Tauri and comment what you like, no restrictions (only in language) ...

Monday, September 21, 2009

How Much Do Six Month Braces Cost

Alzheimer Deconstructing Brain Villablog

Since I began the journey of this space in the universe of the network have made several references to the fight against cancer and on a day like today I could not pass up the opportunity to refer to another of the ills that currently more damage side causes in the population: Alzheimer's disease. Because it must also be counted as well as patients with caregivers who are most familiar to that life in a radical change and, even worse, dramatically.
Day Today is World Alzheimer's patient, a disease whose first obstacle that we face is not known where or at what point is the spark in our brain and it begins to be dismantled. Y nunca mejor dicho. El Alzheimer desmonta literalmente nuestro cerebro, dejándolo completamente vacío de recuerdos y de sensaciones hacia todo lo que nos rodea y lo más doloroso es que olvidamos hasta a nuestros seres queridos y nuestra propia vida. Eso lleva a la destrucción no solo de la vida del enfermo sino también del familiar cuidador que vé como se deteriora su propia calidad de vida al mismo tiempo que el enfermo entra en una pendiente con caida libre hacia la nada, pues la enfermedad radica principalmente en eso, la nada de la persona, anulación total; pero lo más duro es la caida según cuentan familiares, una vez que caen ya todo les da igual, se encierran en un mundo vacío y ya no son nada más que marionetas sin brain.
talk of 800,000 cases in Spain (1 every 15 minutes) and 26 million worldwide and the account goes up in line with the progressive aging of the population. This fact reminds me of a short story I read many years ago and that was that children were born had no humanity, to end a scientist committed suicide because he had discovered that the evil was that the quota of souls on the planet was overwhelmed by the longevity of the inhabitants and while not die their souls could not jump to other infant lives. I think the Alzheimer's disease could be considered dehumanizing a person whose soul wanders in a kind of purgatory would be waiting for your body a goal we all have to come, maybe that's why patients occasionally have these flashes of reality in which they become aware until the evil trap again. Although
publish it later, the day is almost over already, I want this post is a tribute not only to the sick (they are in their world) but a day to day from their families and carers. People of overnight see their world crumbling, and how their lives are subjugated to an endemic problem of our day most often filled by psychologists and psychiatrists consultations with people who no longer know how to deal with live tracking with Alzheimer's disease. So without forgetting those who have the disease I also think should be the day for caregivers and for that you link to one of the articles in the press today and I think it reflects quite clear on the point of view of a person Delivered to a sick relative. Reflect and greetings from Tauri.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What Does Smelly Wee Mean In A Man

From September 15th until the 16th of October the term is open for registration in " I VillaBlog - Comarca de Doñana ." Also available is the the same program, the poster and banner to help spread.

The "I VillaBlog - Comarca de Doñana is a Blogs meeting to be held the next day October 24 in Rociana del Condado (Huelva), attended by people interested in the world of blogs (with or do not have one) and will serve to train and spend a day living in a rural enclave with a variety of activities.

This day, after the presentation of the event , we attend a speech of great Fernando Tellado , a recognized professional, including English-speaking bloggers, communication through Internet and blogs based on Wordpress. We also meet the project Andalucía Digital Commitment and there will be a presentation on Hacking Blogger.

After lunch, we will take a different route blogs Rociana theme by visiting the most emblematic places of the town and know first hand (the bloggers) the most significant details of them. In this same route, there will be a tasting of typical local sweets.

end the day with a presentation of websites and blogs of interest in the region of Doñana and a recreational activity, the route cap, allowing us to contemplate and try the tapas bars prepared especially for this day.
I hope everyone on this day of cohabitation. I go, I'll get a little bit of a walk Tauri.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Womans Size 6 Is A Mans Size

Doñana County Job Loss and Business Pressure

In times of crisis we must tighten their belts by that which should be saved to weather the storm (which I do not think when we left pocket), but not only is the belt tightening that ended There comes a time when we must tighten our morals and ethics to the point of really thinking about whether we are slaves to our work not by disease but by the loss phobia employment and its consequences. This post would fit nicely in the blog "Synonymous Red" but to date I think it fits in any blog of opinion due to the depth that has in our society.
Everything is given by a study offered by Randstad (employment agency) that is reflected today that 49% of workers do overtime at work, this could be good news for them leaves be so when we learned that almost everyone and not negotiate or pay them on days off switching but silent, no charge and are grateful for follow up work, and that's not counting this summer that have left had to make work that went on vacation. Demeaning.
companies are taking advantage of the situation to extort money from workers to the absolute limits and all with the blessing of government (saying that it is light), opposition (creating an environment of economic cataclysm) and trade unions told us earlier of the crisis that had to put up a little and not too tightly in the signing of agreements. "Signing of agreements? But if everyone is frozen today. They can not be removed right about what not to squeeze but union gentlemen, where are they when you need to speak out against bullying that some companies are using to remove people off? Overtime his face, twelve-hour shifts without stopping to eat, work and salary cuts by eye (without negotiating )...? Let yourself in and join crap once and for all without looking who are all one and looking for solutions, not political obstacles. Not about policies or any other color but the inhabitants of the country that they feed you all.
becomes so serious that the famous children's program "Sesame Street" as well as helping to count and know the difference between up and down and other things that we grew up, has now been raised to make a special that will air on USA on September 9 (although the site also can view the article in English) where the character of Elmo is the main character losing his mother to work, he will feel sad and she explained that because the thing is not like before, can not get out much, or go to the movies ... With this particular say they want to get parents to talk about ethos also issues with their children, they also suffer the consequences and not think of them. This really is an initiative of struggle. These are things that should make all governments to make clear what the situation and fight together not with each other to get out of this economic barbarism in which we live. And they are clear that the people are not stupid and yes sovereign, that is and that may come or solve or solved nothing if not a common face. The sad thing is that while Curritos continue to suffer bullying in silence, as the piles. At this stage of life I have my ideals so well established that in this case that suits me up to "I'd rather die standing than live on your knees." Let us fight for our dignity will always be more important than a job or a mortgage loan from opportunistic scoundrels who wanted to cash in on a cake that was not for them ... Always remember that there is no evil that last forever and this too shall pass . Greetings from a Tauri today has become very revolutionary ...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Watch South Park Subtitle

Missing and their consequences

Reading Huelva yesterday digital information came to view an article by journalist Peter Ingelmo on the disappearance of persons approaching the same missing especially in Andalusia. In the landmark referred to the page that illustrates the post . This site serves as a reference in Spain for the disappearances of people who, for unexplained reasons, are beyond the scope of normal as many people disappear and you know it's because they want to find them. Looking at our Andalusia we are several disappearances coincide with popular festivals, this has made me decide to write This entry does not warn you of the fact that to be fair we have tied our kids short and not give them a freedom to which they are entitled. What I mean is you have to give them sufficient freedom to be used to cope through life without falling over is not even in the neglect to say that to: "leave it @ that go around, what will happen?" . Nothing happens, but ... "And if comes to pass? No one is free and all play a certain lottery of life without meaning and as the phrase "whose turn it touch him."
I transcribe the article that you read and if you want to visit the website of the association also assume you are welcome and, who knows, You might have seen someone.
"Nothing came to grow on the ground when Demeter lost her daughter, Persephone, the goddess of the underworld. Demeter searched and searched and in his despair grew winter. Persephone, the first disappearance.
A Teen viewed from the web screen The boy is now 47 years old and is the last photo taken of him in Los Barrios, his birthplace, in 1977. Then he left.'s Francisco Roman, one of the disappeared is in the database of the association of relatives of disappeared International SOS. Until recently, in a police list was also the name Jenaro Jimenez, a Cadiz that he must have thought that everything had gone wrong and that it was best to start over. Jenaro appeared ten days ago in Barajas. His flight ended. The Roman Francisco, no.
His younger sister, Milagros, prefers not great theories. Know what you know, that in 1977 his family of eight siblings lived a challenging time that Francis attempted to escape several times, that one of those times he was hit by a car and, with the lameness of that accident, one day he disappeared. "He was mischievous, restless, and yes, I wanted to leave, but hard to understand ... I just got a letter once, not long after his escape. He said he was well ".
The pilgrimage of his mother begins there. Photo of Francisco appears in all media, when television was not a firecracker of nonsense. receive dozens of false leads and Milagros' mother goes to each sites where they say they have seen him. There is none. Of course, the program will Paco Lobaton, who knows where, the great 90's TV pitch. Nothing. Milagros not resigned. "Yet he appears confident and tell us its history. "
Other families prefer to let fate decide. The mother of a missing 30-year Barbate five years ago does not want to display the name or picture of your son." It's something which is part of our private life and my son. "Like them, many fleeing the greed of the media, do not want exposed in the windows.
A man from El Puerto, Celestino, 56 , went to work last time in June 2000. When he finished his work day he took his car, but never came home. His family still looking for him, but no phone numbers in the International SOS website that would manage any information about his whereabouts. Presumably they have tried to rebuild their lives, as far as possible, without him
(...) Any police regarding these cases to be asked what is the great story, what has puzzled disappearance more quickly the child is mentioned Málaga painter, David Guerrero. "He vanished, swallowed the land." A boy of thirteen years with great talent for painting comes on April 6, 1987 at a special time: the exhibition of his early work in a reputable gallery in Málaga. There, the story ends there. No one has seen, no one knew what happened. His mother, on the twentieth anniversary, looked exhausted. "I do not trust that we see, I can not imagine how big the world." The painter child would now have 37 years. Will there be continued painting? "A disappearance clean, very clean", summarizes Police.
Then there is the case of Josue Monge, Dos Hermanas, also 13. Disappeared with a backpack when he went to play Play with a friend in April 2006. It would be a demise like many others if it were not for his father disappeared, fourteen days later. He said he would need, call the following days and then called no more. Could be one of the numerous "disappearances parent, parents who take children to avoid litigation. Whatever it is, there is no trace or the father or the son. The mother was still shakes his meeting with an unknown child who claimed to be Joshua. "Mom, do not you recognize me?". "You Josue're not. "You've changed a bit." He was a boy who had escaped from a juvenile facility in Malaga. He wanted to be Josue.
John Berger, a resident in Barcelona Línea not see her daughter for fifteen years, when she was 17. He left home and never returned. Berger is one of the founders of International SOS. The voice cracks when he talks about his daughter. "My daughter also searched landfills , as Marta del Castillo. "Berger has the feeling of those who lose a loved one match without pay." There is always hope, however faint it may be. Rehacerte can not because she is always present ".(...)"
This is a very enlightening statement, the full article is , you can read it carefully and then comment. Greetings from Tauri and good show to my countrymen, renewed again next week.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How Many Minutes We Have In The Daylight


long I keep a blog on psychology (the race I never studied but do not discard), and I think today we could do with this heat and the holiday are supposed to relax the body and the mind we use that extra free time we deserved to focus our existence from a new and more relaxed within this world that we live in stress and madness both social and personal media.
The post for which I got is called "40 tips for better living." I would say that boards should be more than commandments. There are those who would argue a little, but I think as orders could be in 36 (each one will see them in one form or another). I leave you here for you to reflect and comenteis whatever you want. As a personal tip I can tell you do not you read at once, if you do not read one and think a bit, then another and so on until the last, you will see how you think things makes you realize some acts and viewed from another angle would be made better. Greetings from Tauri and reflect play ... Walk
  1. 10 to 30 minutes every day. As you walk, smile.
  2. Sit quietly for at least 10 minutes every day. Isolation if necessary. Listen
  3. good music every day, it is true nourishment for the spirit.
  4. When I gave up in the morning that ... "My purpose today is _______".
  5. Live with the 3 Es ... Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy.
  6. Play more games than last year.
  7. Read more books than last year.
  8. Look at the sky at least once a day, appreciating the majesty of the world around you.
  9. Dream more while you're awake.
  10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and less food that is manufactured in plants or that require a sacrifice.
  11. Eat berries and nuts. Drink green tea, lots of water and a glass of wine a day (be sure to give her something beautiful much there in your life and, if possible, in the company of a loved one).
  12. Try to laugh at least three people every day.
  13. Removes clutter from your house, car and your desk and let new energy flow into your life.
  14. not waste your precious energy on gossip, things of the past, negative thoughts or things beyond your control. Better invest your energy in the positive present moment.
  15. Realize that life is a school and we are here to learn. The problems are lessons that come and go, what we learn from them is for life.
  16. breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.
  17. Smile and laugh more.
  18. Do not miss the chance to hug a friend.
  19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
  20. No you take yourself too seriously. No one else does.
  21. do not have to win every argument. You agree that you do not agree, and learn from (of) his position. Ponte
  22. peace with your past so it will not ruin your present.
  23. not compare your life with others. You have no idea of \u200b\u200bhow far they have traveled in life.
  24. Nobody is in charge of your happiness except yourself.
  25. Remember that you're not in control of everything that happens to you, but what you do with it.
  26. Learn something new every day.
  27. What other people think of you is none of your business.
  28. Appreciate your body and enjoy it. No matter
  29. how good or bad a situation, it will change.
  30. Your work will not deal with you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them.
  31. Reject everything that is not useful, beautiful or joyful.
  32. Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
  33. The best is yet to come.
  34. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and attend.
  35. Have fantastic sex, always in harmony with your being.
  36. Call your family often and send them emails saying: Hey, I'm thinking of you!
  37. Every night before bed, say: I am thankful for _______. Today, I succeeded _______.
  38. Remember that you are too perfect to be stressed.
  39. Enjoy the journey. You only get one chance, make the most profit.
  40. Please share these tips with whom you care.

* Author: Gaxan Sad.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Converse Shoe Laces Too Long

Prisons try to live better, A scourge prisoners or no solution?

has always been criticized Americans for their lifestyle, the American Way, where anything goes. They're always looking around Merchandising. The last thing we have seen is that on the anniversary of the Alcatraz prison (photo) were removed from the sleeve for the low price of $ 150 you spend two nights in prison, but be careful, in the same living conditions of prisoners when it was operational. It may seem an American (it is) but maybe this suppresses the desire to offend some when they know firsthand how are the prisons in the U.S.. At the same time there comes another story that is what made me take this post that deals with new measures in prisons in several states because of the crisis which we live. I transcribe an extract taken from Digital Journalist that pretty much sums up the story:

"Prisoners in the U.S. could even say:" All the past was better "because with the cuts because of the economic crisis is likely to have to pay $ 90 per night in a prison cell. If you need to see a doctor would cost $ 10. And if they would have to buy toilet paper.

In a bid to get more income from the poor economic situation, the states have resorted to a new idea: making prisoners pay their debt to society not only to the deprivation of their liberty, but with cash .

In New York, Republican Assemblyman James Tedisco introduced a bill to charge offenders $ 90 per day for wealthy the cell they occupy and the service they receive in state prisons.

That bill called "law Madoff," by Bernard Madoff, it is assumed that could save 1,000 million dollars a year in expenses for prisoners in jail.

"This concept says that if you can afford, even if part of the amount, then it will help those affected taxpayers who play by the rules," said Tedisco. "

in Spain For when we will copy This type of policy towards prisoners and not hamburgers and theft of pyramidal? So when life imprisonment which is totally compatible with a democratic state? These are questions that many of us do from the perspective that if they have committed a crime by what others have to pay up while the inmate is in prison. I will not go on living conditions, I know that some live as prisoners and others like kings (that's another question, the grades that are totally shameful treatment). The question is not who can pay and the U.S., I mean the fact that in many American prisons inmates have to earn a living from work (here are also those who want to work and reduce punishments) but that does not take them reduce penalties and yes to the state copper ones wages for work performed; An example may be the fact that clean road ditches or that any company needs workers and ask the prison (which has custody of prisoners).

would be a good thing that we would raise the self esteem to see for our ditches and our forests are burned for not being clean some criminal type the murderer of Martha Castle ETA or living like gentlemen (and they beat their breasts saying that are left) with shovels and rakes sweating in the sun, or cleaning up the damage of the bombs that put the ETA or planting trees in areas devastated by the fires. Sure after reading the post more than one will think that this is not well and that can degrade and not reinserted. To that I ask only a second's reflection and realize the good that would do to society while they work would be productive for their own livelihood and not a burden on society that should cost the daily maintenance and up allowance at the time of completion of sentence. In this way would help, be sustained, cotizarían, I think there would be better reintegration work for the community. Consider only how much it cost today to search for the body of Marta del Castillo, a little please (as I would say that), that was cool of the English State and we paid to all as they are laughed from prison. No sir, first sprinkle it had been him, 12-hour work day shit thrown into the dump to try the same "shit." It may seem that irritates me the theme, yes, it is not difficult to implement a solution like this in our prisons without compromising the dignity of prisoners at the end of the day are people and as individuals have the duty and right to work supports them as well the English Constitution and Article 31 says that we all have the obligation to support public expenditure, ie, all means all without distinction, why some and not others? That is the question you should consider our politicians and leaders of all ideologies. I think the idea has become clear. Now it is up to you the review, sharpen knives, throwing nonsense or reconsider ... Greetings from Tauri.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Master Lock Combo List

Review, Remake, Reboot "? Lack of imagination?

SGAE While they go about their vampiric bloodletting to stir everything, including charity events, the music market sinks but not lack of sales (as you know I'll never understand lose money on sales of top blanket or is it they who supplied the CDs to immigrants), the market collapses for lack of imaginative initiative. If we look at the lists we realize that 75% of what there are updates of old songs, especially in the areas of dance, and strip is where most of the eighties. And they want to cover with the top blanket sales do not let them live like kings ... shall, of course.
can see that it works with the music when the film is giving another twist to the box office and is beginning to return to cinemas to see films with platitudes that are known and successful. The paradox is provided by the fact that the Ministry and the SGAE say they were last year and a half million fewer viewers into a film in Spain and the distributors are happy because they say that last year sold over three million more ticket, or some analysts was drunk when doing the sums, or here is something fishy and some interests not know the real data and continue with the maximum lifetime of "who does not cry does not suck." The fact is that between what is and what we are coming, the film is pulling the closet and dusted off tapes that have already given good results and should be refurbished and returned to give more juicy fruit into the coffers of the distributors.
formerly called "revision of a classic," then called "remake" and now "reboot" itself, that you do with your computer when it hangs: "restart." Where's the catch? Well, in a review or a remake is doing the same movie with new players and current special effects and a reboot is to return the original argument and make a completely new version in some cases may lead, if it is profitable at the box office, a sequel to continue being profitable. I said, another twist to get the rooms to the new generations who then, as with music, discuss with their elders, saying that the film is new and arguing that the "What you know about the latest fashion and that is if If you are an old man. " Precisely for these youth and the older memory of you I can make a list of what is now and what's coming here a couple of years: Pelham 1,2,3 (classic 70), Conan the Barbaro (Picture post), Red Dawn (this fictional U.S. invasion by Russia), Predator, Tron (the first movie that Disney used a computer), Nightmare on Elm Street (yes, again Freddy), Hellraiser (the that guy with a head full of thorns), Fame, and even dare to Poltergeist untouchable. But, like I said, these are reboots, it does not mean that they leave out the remakes, this is another string of blunders: Karate Kid, Short Circuit, The Birds, Footloose, Evil Dead and even The Incredible Shrinking Man (a classic science fiction of 50) of the hand of Eddy Murphy. Incredible. And while the new in mainstream cinema is Sexdrive or New York for Beginners without forgetting the infumable Lindsay Lohan and Labor Pains. Luckily for us there are some movies that come out from time to time and can be viewed as Hollywood did not take the eye and revison commercially oriented as in the case of The Orphanage and let me. Hopefully the drought of ideas go with the crisis. Greetings from Tauri and now for you to reflect on the subject ...

PS: It also affects the very latest manga series. New Dragonball and most impressive returns after 37 years Mazinger Z. Enjoy your bedside.