Saturday, December 15, 2007

Will Exercise Help Ptosis

much better:)

Well first of all thank you for the supportive comments I got ... so here thanks ..

2nd step to tell you how I stand, looooong ago ascended not nothing in this blog haha \u200b\u200b...
good photo as you said "it was never easy" this is never easy ... so sorry to ana and mia ... when I feel that I cope with it is because I am very involved with the other ... for example decided to stop throwing up ... I was more than a week without throwing up but when I realized I was just consumiento about 150 calories per day ... and when I decide to eat normally, I realize that UANS vomiting 3 times a day ... entocnes AS SHIT IS OUT OF ALL THIS ????... and back-to back these ideas to be skinny huge starve me: S. .. sometimes, I ask to be normal ..

other hand I'm SOOOOO happy sumac spellbound :)... haha \u200b\u200b... I'm dating a guy that I love him so much and I really do very well ... he would leave to ana and mia ...

good princesses thanks again and I promise to go through their blogs ... a big kiss

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How To Masterbate In The Shower.?

sad loneliness

really hang with this because I'm too little time ...

but I am so sad that neceistaba tell ... and here I am ...

is that Sunday night was my prom night ... it was my most anticipated, most talked-about, most sought-after ... more everything ... and it seems to take on more ... aunq in relaidad am was not sure why, because I take little, that I care ... the problem was ana fucking damn !!... had an empty stomach and I fell very bad alcohol ... and I swear I try to eat because I knew it would take ... but I could not xq puddle was not hungry, would not I do not understand !!!..
is we got to the bowling and super fart, I was super happy, re happy, I fell, I cotrna the flat I did shit and I imrptoaba anything ... the problem was that they let me and sent me bowling to the nursing ... there began all wrong ... I did expect that I would not let me go ... they got up and asked me to go to the bathroom ... obvious apra bring my fingers ... they get my Sister and realizes all bone !!!!!!!... not suspected as mine ...
is the short ... it seems that I decided I depsues Return to the nursing xq was my best friend from school ... and there did not leave my Sister ams Hatsa sign that I brought home ... when I leave the nursing I meet my best friend (mel) and the guy I am ... and do not understand anything, all this is because I Cotner ani ... ose aucerdo me ...
qa good thing is the 4 was lying in my bed sleeping ... therefore NOT ENTER THE BOWLING, I lost ALL MY PARTY EXPECTED SO NOW I CAN NOT STOP TO MOURN ... I REPENT OF ALL ... no But it made me see how much I want those around me ... my sister osea re juice for me and I love my best friend ... I re bank and came to sleep in my house with me ... and wen tmb my boy ... the evrdad that 3 is re ported and I am more than happy for that .. but x the other hand I am very sad x the party, lost and never more I'll have an opportunity like this ... and it's like to stay a step that is closing ... open.

sorry if all this boring ... escirbi unable to stop mourn ... PD

to muchoq ue cut had not thought of ... and when I woke up I thought ... I thought a ton because it neceistaba punish inamdura idiot and I'm ... not conc word limit when the only thing I do encotraba in life is the limit ...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Maryland Gay Meeting Spots


Soledad ...
the feeling that for a long time, thankfully ... not dwell in me enough time left
to be my shadow ..
left my mind ..
and pulled away from my body ..
but today, now,
not understand why,
appeared ..
appeared as a visitor ..
went to greet me, and I know not to stay ..
know I have friends ...
VERY good ..
know I have family ...
THE best ..
is all that ..
and that gives me even more anger .. We understand not know
I can not understand what kind of loneliness fills me every night ..
why my tears are always so empty ..
the truth I do not understand ...

well, that I feel now ... not that cool. Recently I saw a movie that I recommend is called Bad Habits and the main and central issue is the food ....

kisses to all and sorry for disappearing and thanks for following the same ..

Friday, October 26, 2007

Traditional Persian Dress

Fucking .. Grout

hayyy here andoooo cansadiiiiisima, I am sleeping very little, into the pit I'm going to prom and then direcot to school and everything is a string so dodne not stop or sleep apra HOWEVER .... as ... . estupidaaaaaa bone that I have no time to sleep but to eat !!!!... always find that I sometimes longer or vomiting because I tired a lot, I see in the meirda frustrated I became ...

my friends from school do not know anything or ana or mia ... and sometimes I eat and I kiero not say no do you not give the anorexic, if you're hungry eat ... and I think, as meirda sben that I have hunger? xD ... jajaja

anything .. good toy and tired of all obligations, want it to end and everything ..


Friday, October 19, 2007

Thank You Notes Engagement Congrats

Chaaaaan hung maaaal maaaaal haha \u200b\u200b... not that I walk apsando, 0 want to go through the posts, sorry!
I have some news to tell, first, I could not quit, AHRO came back, but decreased slightly the number of cigarettes per day. at school my friends fuck load and say "we have to follow the diet it is called, the diet of fag ".... and I dodne not get me .... or for example and put habalr mia as walking, and fuck and they say there is now going to bañooooo ajajaja and laugh ... and I'm going to post and inventing stories of why it took so: s. ... but hey, things happen haha \u200b\u200b
another topic ...
think this in my plans to go to study and work in usa, in principle would be one year, then do not know if APRA emepzar more like the race in any state out there, but the truth is, I would go with a plan, I'm re emocioanda and re entusiasmadaaaa I go now!
other hand ...
'm sick of colegioooooo, almost nooo sleep ... I'm sleeping between 2 and 3 hours per day studying apra reach and deliver all the practical work who ask me ... and do not give coarse !!!!!!! ! grrrrrr, I termianr Now!
Melli ... haha \u200b\u200b... not if you want to share something or not here, just in case I do not say anything, just to know I'm with you, support you, you help, I hear you, I love you and neceisto you? :) So here toy with you !!!!!
I do not think I miss anything lol, from time to time I put them on top of my life, and trnakiii and I will go through their blogs ... lol .. everything comes Besotes

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Blaupunkt Gta 2 Special Rms

things incomprehensible

Grrr ... I gritaaaaaaarrrrr

know what happening to me? sure some of you well and you'll know entendermeee ...

because I'm two days with 80 calories a day of binge vomiting, two days of 80 calories, another puking ... and so I spend my days ... I need PROOF fuckings urgent !!!!!!

if anybody saw you anywhere he went to please let me know thanks xD

well .. the school is so ... as I say? ... Left? if ... is fully left, and left me almost no faults, I will have fun at coelgio, be with friends, nothing, boluda around ... and well, you'd have to put the batteries because the November 30 CHAU school!

puch so I tell them that for 10 days do not smoke ... so perhaps also eat more ... but in these days of fasting a lot harder to me ...

I leave a big kiss:)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Costco European Cookies Review


Holaaa chiksssss ... excuse that disappeared for a while, I was in bed esque nearly 39 of fever, plates, ect ... in Finally, a sore throat ... now I'm fucking with antibiotic and recently I could get out of bed to come and tell q is my life, do not worry now I'm going to go through their blogs to see of their lives .. haha

with food that I'm there, I'm eating much more than 100 calories per day but hey, in the end out if I want to heal I have to do ...

other hand, I TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS angina to stop smoking .. no more and I'm going to make! so here today I say STOP to the butt.

I send a great big kiss and hope to go well ...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nasal Polyp After Tonsillectomy

Grrrr ..

holas .. disappeared a bit, and feel free to come and write a lot to blog ... was among study or write here ... did not want either, but of course I chose to write here ..
not understand what happens to me ... I start to isolate herself, from scratch, and it is not food, because I like it or not .. I would say normal eating more than usual, but hey, I'll start a hypocaloric diet but not me anxiety ... something, not because I do not care ..

now for example I'm crying .. and you know why?? SEEE ... NOOOO of course not seee ...
'm on the 3rd day of being ill and I have a humor that sucks, I cry at everything ... anything suits me, command all the crap, all I get nervous, do not talk to anyone ... kiero agtradezco to people who are always on the bench next to me and me the truth because it is very difficult ... my Jan hese states .. and all those people, is the bank!

finally shit .. do not know why I cry, but I'm sensitive and not because I want to pass that state because I hate it, because I like to give to people uan smile and a tear ..
indeed .. my mom told me yesterday that she loves to wake up every morning with a smile:)

I leave a kiss and disappear derrpente sorry I left without internt a couple of days ..

Then someone tells me how good I lookand
for a moment For a moment I am happy

But when I'm alone No one hears me cry

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Time Off Work Getting Over Chest Infection

chananana ...

Well girls I'll explain photo .... in exactly a month going to the UBA to enroll in architecture ... hahaha .. nerviosaaaaa toy hayyyy allllto cambiooo ... but found that when the year began repeating over and over that I could not wait for temrinar, could not bear ams school, she was tired, it was hell, suffering and more ??... well now, 3 months temrinarlo am in a state to say: NOOOO quierooo SECUNDARIAAAAAA COMPLETE ... well also be due to the change friendships I made there, but beyond that, no kiero finish my school career ... also say that anorexics have a huge fear to grow and mature ... the truth is not how true it is but Hopy in this time, I may be true .. haha \u200b\u200b...

another topic ... I'm spoon superchick Courage now ... gives me strength ¿?... post, is rare, but gives me some feeling and identification that I like ... I mean I never ate as much as I get my mama !!!!... now travel from Europe and brought sooooo candy (which I asked myself: s) and well I was eating a little of everything, but in normal food sima good .. and no I do not want mine and also I am against throwing food affectionate, good, only I I understand ...
hope I can control myself this whole week, I wanted to make a career of kilos but I think I can because I have jsuto parties and family gatherings are very difficult to fool so much .. I

the girls and thanks for the comments that leave me and the support they give me .. kisses and go well

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Womens Bottomless Party

Way ...

not which way to go ... not to do, sometimes I want something sometimes the opposite .. and who truly believed they were friends, I realize that nothing to do .. Once
I said, always trying to get away from everyone you hurt ..
why today I choose to get away from them, not if they knew it or not, nisikiera entering this blog .. if one day you remember me, I look kizas to know that is my life ... the truth, there CARE ABOUT ME ... sometimes the world can be such a liar.

I have wanted so much to hold on to increasingly recognize ana ams .. I'm sick ... sick from all this ... and that's when not to do ... because I see what I get, I see what I feel I realize all ... and yet I still want to leave ... so here is a lie what they all say that if you recognize what you get and you can heal ... a lie.

good girls I send a kiss and thanks for following

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pain Is Lower Back And Weeing Lots

not .. Feeeeelizzz

Usually when I start writing a post I have in mind some topic or something to tell ... but today is not so, I'm happy, but sad ... I feel like my heart has thorns, and the hurt them out, therefore I feel that although things are arranged, there are other, sometimes resulting in pain ..

'm happy, and I am happy with Ana .. but you know what? DO NOT HAPPY TO THOSE AROUND ME ... I make them suffer, and I hate ... I can not stand ... but no, I'll be a bit selfish and I can not Ana, I can not because you might not want .. . because it makes me well because I'm eating destroyed ... that I am filled with something that hurts me ..

and if I feel more alone than ever ... alone ONLY SO-LA ..

but I'm tired of going back to the people ... I'm going to kedar here for a moment I'll stay quiet without saying anything, and the other at some time in life to realize that I stayed. .. and I come to speak ...

other hand, I do not want yetear but makes for a week I come without anxiety, 29 hours fasting was completely full ... and the other days were semi fasts cooooon esepcion 100/150 calories ... a day was the birthday of my best friends from school and promised not to vomit ... and so was:), I was proud of it .. anyway, despite me today and get 1 kilo 800

I think and maybe sometimes I wish I could eat normally and not feel bad ...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blood Mucas Before Period


eaeaeaeaea sorry today is September 5th birthday was yesterday and Honey Miss Angel ... I apologize that I could not login yesterday scheme up felt very bad, dizzy, pressure low, I could not go to my drawing classes so here I could not even Apsaras by the pc ...
but hey here I am dedicating a beautiful entrance, and saying that I love to infinity that helps me every day, to congratulate you for all your efforts, nothing, I wish him the best birthday ever, I believe that 5 years, this is it!


another issue ..
dfkghlkxdhjslidh ana ... ... ... jksdfghklsfghlkj
mine that I recently had lunch one kanikama, 15 calories ... and before yesterday ahyer and consumers as muuuucho 150 calories, I am coping with the thing ... no em attacks are giving, but normal food vomiting: S. .. not everything, but if I feel I ate more lettuce, I and vomiting .. no ue entiendoq wave, the more I want out, but I'm stuck ...

I leave a kiss good grandeee

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Canadian Driver Templates

So tired ... tired of my

I'm tired of it ... not how much time I went back to desepcionar ... I returned to realize that everything I propose I can not fulfill .. . is like the 6th time I'm determined to get away from all this and what happens? .. .. I always come back ... no way, from I said I was determined to get away, I think throwing up around 3 or 4 times ... and they were not binge eating normal food was eh ... ... tuna, 3 or 4 cookies, things trnaqui, dietary always ... but not, tolerate esque not have a full stomach, belly bloated like a toad ... I swear I look in the mirror and it's like that hate me, make me want to break the mirror to stop me ... not do you understand me ... ... but this is the mirror phobia .. grrrr ...
am very tired, devil, I have no strength to eat ... I have no desire for anything, my head hurts, throat, cough ... I have to be me ..
and as I said last post, I'm full, and I'm happy with all aspects of my life ... except with that? me! ... obvious ... I'm always wrong finally got me ... all I wanted, but still can not get to be skinny ... then I realize that ana and mia were simply not to make me forget my problems ... but it also because I want to be skinny. .. Hayyyyyy
no longer need or want ... a fast yaaaaa forces fill me!
good girls and let them ... grax x seguirmeee besosss .. Cyclothymic PD


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Rogue Status Drum Seat

Stop ... Coooooon

chiicas Hoola ... how are you?
sorry for not passing through their blogs, you see almost no time to update I have, I'm without a computer into the pit because unconfigure own internet and I can not get anywhere in this blog ... so here good, so we ... ment promised to spend ...

the photo and the title should be to just say STOP ... ana, mia ... enough to decide to walk away, not if it is temporary or forever ... but today, these days, this time, I decide that enough ... I found what I wanted, I feel comfortable in almost every aspect of my life, I am filled with life and zest for life ... I feel like eating or vomiting leaving killed every day a little more than both struggle to get .. but this does not mean to say absta fat as a pig on the second ehh ... actually I'm not skinny or anything like that ... and I want to go down but in a healthy, Trankil, no fasting .. so here tomorrow (or these days haha) start diet ... .. SANA

hope you find what they are looking to get .. and you, angel groups ... ponete batteries asshole !!!!!! : D

Friday, August 24, 2007

What Happens If I Have Chunky Yellow Discharge


hoooolasssss, buenoooo tell you that yesterday I came back from viajeeeeeeeee and pass inceibleeeeeeee
was the truth I did a re change in me, I'm proud of esooo, I thought that would happen wrong or that I would feel re single, but the truth was not so and I felt more than biiiien ...
to add to that exitacionnnnn hoooooooy viernessss know who I have here next ?????? KNOW ????? to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll, siiii to miiiiiiiielll angel .... and is in good airesssss, and lives a block from my casaaaaaa, I'm going input from cmpuuuu, this is crazy ...
I leave and I'll stick with it ..

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Possible Bump After Cardiac Catheterization


shgfksjfvgi ahhhhhhh I'm going to barilooooooo genteeeeeee als mañanaaaaaaa to 11:45 a.m. I'm in the microoooo dkjfhksdhdf ...

'm excited, nervous all that ... but relaidad ... reluctantly, not that I do not feel like, because obviously I have a thousand and a desire to be there in bariloche ... but not with these people haha because it is not, I'd like more to be with my true friends ... so now I'm in a state of arousal that will not let me think to PRINT in ...


another topic ... not last until 31 December and Tuesday 11 August showed him my blog to my best friend ... segurmaente read this so here I'll tell her I love her to infinity and beyond and makes me so happy ... that Yesterday we had a beautiful night and q ue I look forward to being in Bariloche apra read the letter that made me :)... I love you my love

good ... I say goodbye and tell them, I meet the August 15 añossssssss! !!!!.... the dream 18:)

a great big kiss to all and disappear for 10 days (as recently re still posting here or in Bariloche hahaha)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

How To Adjust Polaris Suspension

healing my soul ...

Gradually feel something in me starts to close, that hole called the injury that made me suffer so much I feel that healing can become ... not that I actually ahead of the facts ... but the truth is that in 7 days I will travel bariloche graduates and is something I am very nervous, more desire than it is to be back from that trip ..
yesterday went out with my best friend Mel (honey angel not pass ..)... the great and good she prometique December 31 was going to show this blog .. so here I want to know, someday, if Lee, who is one of the most important people in my life and that makes me really well and I love her very much ... by

back to school tomorrow ... no more winter vacacioens .. no, I have wanted to go back I have wanted to stay home, get up late, never sleeping, not, of obvious, as always all contradictions ..

kisses me .. I

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Battle Tanks Game Old School

August ...

August ... tremble ... when I started this year, come August ufff until faltaaa thousand ... and look, eyelashes, and now we are in August ...

but shudder ... shudder because it is a month of many changes, important things ... I start to list:

coelgio back to after the winter break, I'll travel to alumni (waw that's another topic ... issue not, I'm nervous: s), there in the vaije turns 18! Gad I'm legal ... trip when I get Mel (honey angel) to Buenos Aires .. and after 5 days is va mi mama de viaje por 15 dias...

son como...muchas cosas!!! seeee no se si estoy preaparada apra tanto :p...quizas ustede slo lean y digan, que estupidez...pero apra mi no lo es, son miedos y se bien a que...pero peudo identificarlos, como miedos..

bueno gracias por seguirme, un beso grande

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Life Examples Of Angles

Digging into the past .. Improving

Ayer agregue a satidos (el que escribió en el tagboard) en msn y nos pusimos a hablar...el me conto sus problemas, y yo los mios, fue ahi cuando al contarle mis problemas comenze a excavar en mi pasado, a ver porque me encotraba asi de triste, porque hacia las cosas que hacia...y lo que le conte a el, quiero compartirlo con ustedes...
makes a little over 3 years, I was dating a guy, I was a little obsessed with the body, but nothing serious, I mean it was important but not so much now ... early next year I began a coelgio again (which I am now that I hate), then my parents separated, oh coincidence, my boyfriend left me, between me and my friends from another school and I was lonely ... but I was still not saw nothing, I do not care anymore ... I began to gain ... well, I do not care ... and by little I began to fall ... by sde finale that year and was sad, I began to realize that he had no Friends coelgio truth in that, I did not have a guy to join me and tell me pretty I am, had to travel all day with a bag of clothes from house to house ... and by little I was comfortable with this situation ... is not that the situation is aocmodo to me, but it suits her I ...
to clear when I was young, but not sooo small, it's like I'm not interested in anything, was I me and more me, I had the world ahead, was the leader, and to always do what I wanted, was acostumrbada always have that group of friends to follow me everywhere and practically hicis what I wanted ... I never thought about the other .... good to settle down to it I began to realize that there was another ... that the other feels, has life, and human thought like me ... and slowly began to leave my place and put on my other luagr and luagr the other, also to the other ... and I run out of place ... therefore each time you felt the need to speak or say what I thought, I said nothing, why? because the other always had something better to say ... and so to get half of last year rasjuñando the time, wanted to say that time is well spent and fast ... I neceistaba habalr and say what snetia but could not, I began to cut ... it was the only way he had of habalr ... Cut or adlegazando, or fatter, or crying ... or I started esocndidas cone stas hehco simple stupid by the need to download .. .
and not saying that this evil thinking of the other, just that good, I am demsiado extremist and I find a balance or is it me or is the other ... and wrong ... I have to know how to find the gray, when I find ... I'll be happy:) ..
Well I tell you all this in the past as if he had been a long time, and it was not more than months, and I'm not cured of that feeling of inferiority so disgusting ... I know I will overcome and I will soon At that point the way ... I know and trust me:)
good sorry if bored with so much bullshit ...
Another little thing, these days I was eating around 100 calories per day and get 1 kilo 700 grams in 6 days:)
a kiss and thanks for reading ...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How Big Does Melanoma Have To Be To Spread


I think I stole some photo blog and not remember that haha \u200b\u200b... well first of all want to say that looooong ago that I do not care, I do not feel the need that is not even cross my mind because perhaps before I thought he thought he hit me or something like that without cutting but I thought ... and now not even the piensoooooo .. the truth that puts me well:)
good with the thing is pretty good, I'm recording what I eat and I'm getting along, did not exceed 400 calories als that is my limit ... today I attack siiiiiiiiiiiin embargooooo anxiety ... and put it one way, I appreciate my own, not whether for better or worse, maybe I helped my conscience to think Quie remove something, but it is not so, the calories are, are installed in my body, fat stick als but ... as the saying goes, "a stumble is not falling" ... and tomorrow I go back to semi-fast with all pilasssssss ... but at night I have dinner with my mother, my sister and her boyfriend, and I'll have to eat: s, good but maybe fasting all day can stay in the range of my calories .. haha
the chicassss dejooooooo besossss